Almost Heaven Habitat for Humanity, a Christian-based housing ministry, is a leading organization in the fight against homelessness, a pervasive problem in the United States. The non-profit organization has made it its mission to assist individuals and families with modest means to become owners of affordable housing, thus, strengthening their sense of pride and empowerment as homeowners.

The non-profit ecumenical housing ministry works toward eliminating both homelessness and substandard poverty housing in the recipient communities. Its approach toward home ownership involves building new houses and renovating old houses as well as creating opportunities for home ownership. Its thrust among communities is to make affordable and liveable shelter a matter of social conscience and community action.

Almost Heaven Habitat for Humanity has several programs and projects for these purposes. In its new home construction program, the organization builds new home in partnership with identified low-income families in need – truly, a self-help building construction model that brings together dedicated volunteers and recipients. The low-income families in need purchase the new houses under the organizations’ easy-to-pay no-interest, no-profit mortgage terms.

In its A Brush with Kindness program, the organization partners with volunteers from church neighborhood groups, businesses, and community agencies for home renovation projects. The partners provide valuable exterior work to transform dilapidated houses into decent homes especially for low-income homeowners challenged by disability, age, or circumstance.

In its Weatherization program, the organization works toward increasing the energy efficiency in identified houses. Minor repairs, such as caulking and air sealing, upgrading of insulation, and installing eco-friendly faucets, are usually done but it must be emphasized that these repairs have a major impact; homeowners enjoy as much as 50% reduction in energy costs as well as improved indoor quality.

Other projects include Family Services, which include financial literacy education and foreclosure intervention; Neighborhood Revitalizaton Initiative, which assists in the restoration of communities; and community projects in partnership with other community-based organizations.