Summertime can be the best time if you are a child.  Kids enjoy having no classes, plenty of time to play, and plenty of time to spend with friends.  However, if you are a child in the city, the joy of being free can be replaced by hot days and nowhere to go.  For well over a century, the Fresh Air Fund has seen this need and met it.  The organization takes kids out of the city and out to homes and summer camps where they can enjoy those hazy lazy days.

In 1877, the Reverend Willard Parsons asked his congregation to open their doors to city kids.  The response was overwhelming and within a decade, the organization had outgrown the simple request of the good reverend. 

The Fresh Air Fund continues to thrive with the same vision with which it began.  Inner city kids get a break from the city in thirteen different states and Canada.  Host families are not asked for any financial contribution, just a welcoming home.  Most families find opening their homes to these children as a reward in and of itself.  The charity also sponsors six camps on a huge reservation sixty miles from New York.  The camps are geared toward different needs including education, confidence building, activities, careers, or special needs.  The fund also sponsors year-round programs that provide day-trips and activities.

Because of its long tradition, the Fresh Air Fund has strong financial support from people like singer Mariah Carey and clothing manufacturer Tommy Hilfiger.  It also has friends in very high places:  First Lady Michelle Obama spent her youth as a Fresh Air Fund camp counselor.  Annual revenues are almost $15 million and the charity has assets of over $100 million.  More importantly, the organization has found a way to give thousands of kids a chance to get out of the city and enjoy a summer that is both relaxing and rewarding.