In 2003, Mike Adler and his wife, Elaine, founded the Adler Aphasia Center after discovering that there were little to no facilities for people with aphasia. The non-profit organization has grown from just 4 members to its nearly 100 aphasia-affected members and their 40 caregivers.

The center is now considered one of the best centers for information, education and support for people with aphasia as well as their loved ones and healthcare providers. It is also the center where researcher, community partners, and donors have found a home for their aphasia-related advocacies.

The organization provides for several services for its target audience with the aim of providing a therapeutic environment, creating opportunities for social connection, and training healthcare professionals in the delivery of aphasia-related services, among others. These include services for people with aphasia and their caregivers (e.g., aphasia education program), research services, and community education, advocacy and outreach programs, among others.