The Gay Men's Health Crisis, now referred to as the GMHC, us a non-profit AIDS service organization in New York City thriving on volunteer support to lead the fight against AIDS in the US. Founded in 1982, the organization started out when a rare form of cancer known as Kaposi's Sarcoma was reported to be affecting young gay men in New York City and San Francisco. When the Centers for Disease Control recognized the new disease as an epidemic, six gay men and their friends gathered in New York to discuss the issue and raise research money about it. in 1982, the first AIDS hotline in the form of an answering machine in Rodger McFarlane's home received more than 100 calls in the first night it was made available. 

The GHMC believes that with the right support, care, and information it is possible to live a long and healthy life. The organization aims to make a difference by providing answers that bring hope.