Carefully tucked within the Southern region of Israel, the groundbreaking rehabilitative village of Aleh Negev is a sprawling multifaceted facility that offers severely disabled children and young adults the chance to live a full, rich and productive life within a comfortable and safe environment.

Established in 1982 by the Aleh Organization, Aleh Negev firmly believes that every individual, regardless of the form and severity of his or her cognitive, developmental and physical disability, has the inherent right to acquire and benefit from the best care there is in order to achieve his or her fullest potential. From its early beginnings thirty years ago, Aleh has become one of Israel’s largest, most advanced and highly successful residential facilities catering to the needs of children and adolescents with severe impairment and disabilities.

With a staunch commitment to provide high-quality educational, medical and rehabilitative care, Aleh serves more than 650 children who are suffering from severe cognitive and developmental conditions such as Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and Autism, as well as genetic disorders like Canavan Disease, Rett Syndrome and Tay-Sachs.

Many of the children residing in Aleh are learning how to triumph over their disabilities and perform things that other children can do such as splashing in the swimming pool, finger painting, climbing on jungle gyms, and singing and dancing. There are also those who are learning how to get dressed or eat independently, as well as communicate with the rest of the world. Today, many of them are able to express three of life’s most significant words – “I love you.”

Because a good number of the children living in Aleh come from families who do not have enough financial resources, or the time and expertise to amply care for a disabled child, these special children would not be given the chance to realize their maximum potentials without the assistance of Aleh’s knowledgeable, skilled and staunchly committed staff and volunteers, which is why the organization always has its doors open to those who are in need of help.

Aleh believes that a strong society is evaluated on how it provides care for the weakest of its members, and through the help of numerous benefactors and partners, it is able to raise the bar in this specific field and is planning to create more innovative solutions for the benefit of future generations.