The American Civil Rights Union, or ACRU, is an American organization focused on advocating civil liberties in the country, for its people. It was founded by Robert B. Carleson, a former Reagan administration official, in 1998. It was established in response to views that the more prominent civil rights organization, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLA), was too liberal or leftward-leaning. Because of this, ACRU has been considered as a conservative civil liberties advocacy group. 

Since its establishment, the ACRU has already been working to promote various programs and advocacies that aim to empower citizens’ rights. The organization’s main focus areas include Property Rights, Election Integrity, Freedom of Religion, Equality Under the law, Individual Liberty and Federalism, and Right to Keep and Bear Arms. 

The organization has also filed amicus briefs in court cases involving the Patent Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as the Obamacare. They have also filed cases on gun ownership and property rights, among several others that are related to their areas of focus.