Few think tanks represent the philosophy, policies and interests of American neoconservatism than the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI). The private non-profit organization has been known to fiercely yet smartly advocate the active implementation of government power for conservative policies in both the domestic and foreign arenas. It must be said, nonetheless, that the organization itself has not officially declared itself as a neoconservative group although many of its members, such as Irving Kristol, are considered as neoconservatives in their own right.

Labels aside, the AEI prides itself on being a strong community of scholars and supporters with deep commitment toward the expansion of liberty, the increase in individual opportunity, and the strengthening of free enterprise in the United States. Its members promote the cause via a wide range of methods including independent thinking, research and exposition, and open debate coupled with reasoned arguments typically without regard for prevailing politics.

The organization tackles a wide range of issues including government and politics as well as economics and social welfare, all of which have been enduring issues in American society. Its past and present members are known for their informed and informative opinions on these issues with many of them occupying top positions in the public and private sectors, thus, their impact and influence on the nation.

Just to mention a few AEI scholars: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich; former deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz; and former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton. Indeed, its roster of fellows read like a who’s who of American and global politics.

The organization has also been recognized for its impact, such as #10 on the Top Fifty United States Think Tanks and #17 on the Top Thirty Worldwide Think Tanks, according to the 2011 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report.