Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: December, 2011

The Kalamazoo Promise

Posted by Charity Watcher on Monday, December 19, 2011, In : Education 
The world is filled with people who give. Some give in small amounts, while others contribute large donations. The Bill Gates and Warren Buffets of this world give in the billions. And as is customary, we recognize these donors for their unselfish acts. 

There is also a special class of donors who give anonymously. We may never discover their reasons for keeping their identities secret. However, their contributions have just as much impact as those of other philanthropists.

For instance, there ...
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Ted Turner

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, December 16, 2011,
Ted Turner has always done things in a big way. He was at one time the largest landowner in America. He created CNN (Cable News Network), dramatically changing broadcast television with the introduction of a 24 hour news channel. In response to the boycotting prevalent during the Olympic games in the 80’s, Turner created the Goodwill Games. He also married celebrity Jane Fonda. 

In 1997, Turner once again made headlines by donating $1 billion to the United Nations. The payment was made over ...
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Nature Conservancy: Follow Up

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, In : Environment 
In an effort to raise awareness of worthy causes and non-profit groups, Charity Watcher posted in early November about the environmental group, Nature Conservancy. The organization has actively fought to protect ecosystems and habitats. Initially, the Nature Conservancy worked within the United States, but has since extended its reach to more than 30 countries. Charity Watcher has learned that the group is spearheading what it calls the “Campaign for a Sustainable Planet,” the largest con...

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Could You?

Posted by Charity Watcher on Sunday, December 11, 2011,
The human race has produced villains and heroes, and oppressors and liberators. One of the good traits that man possesses is the ability to give to others. When we donate, it is usually an unselfish act. We give up something so that it will improve the lives of others.

People who have achieved a lot in life have also given generously. Just look at the size and breath of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This couple and people like them have given large sums of their personal wealth to help ...
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Eli Broad, the Billionaire-Turned-Philanthropist

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, December 7, 2011,

Throughout his career, Eli Broad has provided people with basic needs: housing and financial services. The American billionaire is the founder of the real-estate development company, Kaufman & Broad; and the financial company, SunAmerica, a retirement specialist. 

Before he became one of America’s richest and most socially-relevant businessmen, Broad lived a simple life as the son of a house painter and a dressmaker. They may not have had money, but Broad had a gifted mind. He graduated cum ...
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