Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: November, 2011

Serving At the Highest Level

Posted by Charity Watcher on Monday, November 28, 2011,
The Himalayan Trust is a non-profit organization that aims to improve the lives of people in the Himalayas. The very first work of the Himalayan Trust was in 1960 which was building a school in Khumjung village, located in the Nepalese side of the Himalayas. This village is located 3,790 meters (12,435 ft.) above sea level. This is the same height as Atlantic Peak, considered the 176th tallest mountain in North America. You have to compare this village to a mountain peak to get a good idea of...

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A Story behind All Great Things

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 25, 2011,
Tiger Woods, John McEnroe, Larry Page and Sergey Brin (co-founders of Google), Jerry Yang and David Filo (co-founders of Yahoo!) have one thing in common. They attended Stanford University. Actually, they are but of few of the immense talents who have come out of this great institution. 

How many universities around the world hold the distinction of excelling in sports, in research, and in academics?  
Stanford University sent more athletes than any other U.S. college to the 2008 Beijing Olympi...
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Marie Rose Abad

Posted by Charity Watcher on Monday, November 21, 2011,

We have heard many stories of lives being changed as a result of the tragic terrorist attack that led to the collapse of the two World Trade Center Towers in New York.  Over two thousand individuals died in the attack on September 11, 2001. One death in particular, Marie Rose Abad's, changed the lives of many people located half way around the world. 

Marie Rose Abad and her Filipino-American husband visited the Philippines in 1989. The poverty they saw shocked them both. She vowed one day to ...
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The Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 18, 2011, In : Environment 
Lin Merage founded Solne Collections in 2004 with the hopes that she could introduce consumers to sustainable, eco-friendly design through clothing, household items, and home improvement materials. As CEO of Solne, Ms. Merage believes in the importance of charitable contributions to organizations that support the mission of her company. In the spirit of green living and with the belief that someday, fashion will catch up with eco-friendly movements around the world, Lin Merage is a contributo...

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Reginald F. Lewis

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 18, 2011,

In 1993, Reginald F. Lewis donated $3 million to Harvard Law School, the largest contribution the school had ever received from an individual. The section of the school devoted to international law was renamed the Reginald F. Lewis International Law Center in his honor. Lewis intended the grant to provide fellowships for minority lawyers who aspired to become law professors.

18 years after the creation of the program, the Reginald F. Lewis Foundation, now run by his wife, Lioda, continues to s...

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Refugees International

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 11, 2011, In : human rights 
It is estimated that there are almost 42 million individuals who have been displaced from their homes. The reasons for their plight are varied; it can be caused by natural disasters, political repression, poverty, or war. Refugees International is an organization that aims to provide assistance for refugees. The organization helps bring stability to areas threatened by crises.

Refugees International also works as an advocate by communicating with relevant government agencies, bringing in othe...
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STOP International

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, November 9, 2011, In : human rights 
Human trafficking is a global problem with deep roots. The tales can often sound familiar:  a recruiter in a victim's home country – posing as a job agent – offers the desperate job-seeker a job in another country, promising a secure future. However, once the victim agrees, they are traumatized and forced to work for little or no pay, or as sex slaves – or both. The work of organizations like STOP International plays an important role in saving lives. 

STOP International has a three-pron...

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An Overview of Project Extreme

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 8, 2011, In : Youth 
A prominent member of his Chicago, Illinois, community, Danny Shabat makes public service and volunteerism one of his top priorities. Daniel Shabat regularly contributes to a number of charities with a variety of purposes; among Mr. Shabat’s chosen nonprofit organizations are the National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY), the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy of Greater Washington, and Project Extreme.

Project Extreme provides an outlet for at-risk youth by bringing teenagers with behavior...

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Pathfinder International

Posted by Charity Watcher on Monday, November 7, 2011,
Reproductive health is a sensitive issue in many parts of the world – especially where religion, culture, and traditions are involved. However, there is no denying that it is important to empower women to make proper choices for themselves and their family. Pathfinder International is an organization that believes that controlling one’s reproductive health leads to healthier families and better communities. 

The organization has led projects in Africa, South America, and Asia. Their commu...
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Nature Conservancy

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 4, 2011, In : Environment 
There are many organizations that aim to protect and preserve the environment. However, few have made a big difference. The Nature Conservancy is an organization that has successfully advocated on behalf of the environment. One notable aspect about Nature Conservancy is that  – while other organizations engage in inflammatory rhetoric to get support – it seeks to accomplish political engagement by proposing workable solutions.

The organization deploys a science-based approach for solving ...
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Modest Needs

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, November 2, 2011,
Countless charities aim to offer relief to individuals who are living in poverty. However, there are only a limited number of organizations that offer assistance to individuals who are on the edge of bankruptcy or default. Modest Needs has the unique objective of helping people who have difficulty paying their bills, but can’t qualify for conventional assistance because they’re not poor enough. 

In many cases, the people that Modest Needs helps are those who have faced a single unexpected ...

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