Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: December, 2012

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Helping Patients with Cancer for Over 65 Years

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, December 28, 2012, In : Foundation 

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is a product of the collaboration between Sidney Farber, MD and philanthropist Charles A. Dana.

In 1947, Farber founded the Children’s Cancer Research Foundation which aimed not just to find a cure and preventive measures for cancer that afflicts children, but to provide children who suffer from cancer with the advanced and compassionate treatments they deserve. In 1969, the foundation expanded its reach to include research and treatment for cancer in pe...

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City of Hope: Combining Cutting Edge Research and Excellent Patient Care

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, December 26, 2012, In : Health 

Finding cures to chronic or life-threatening illnesses doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years of research and millions of dollars in funding every year just to get one step closer to finding something that would help people survive cancer, diabetes and other potentially fatal diseases. There are many cancer research facilities across the nation, but few of them combine cutting edge research with optimum patient care.

City of Hope was established in 1913 by a group of visionary doctors ...

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The Imus Ranch: Helping Children Cope with Illness

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, December 21, 2012, In : Health 

Children suffering from cancer and other grave illnesses are no different from healthy children. They want to learn, play, and live with dignity, just like any other child. Radio personality Don Imus and his wife Deirdre have seen how illness has stripped away the self esteem from these kids and they wanted to make a difference. In 1999, they founded The Imus Ranch. This sprawling ranch in Ribera, New Mexico is a working cattle ranch where children with cancer or serious blood diseases and ...

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War on Want: Fighting the Battle against Poverty

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, In : Foundation 

Poverty is a reality many people do not want to face. It’s not that they don’t care about others; it’s mostly because poverty and hunger is something that is difficult to process or comprehend for people who have never experienced it.  This apathetic sentiment also stems from ignorance of what’s going on. Many of those living in rich, developed nations have no idea about what’s going on in impoverished countries, but there are those who see what’s happening on the other side of ...

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East Meets West: Building a Better Tomorrow for Asia’s Poor

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, December 14, 2012,

East Meets West is a charitable organization that designs, engineers and implements catalytic and sustainable solutions to a wide range of challenging developmental quandaries. Its major goal is to revolutionize the education and health care fields as well as assist communities of underprivileged individuals in Asia by establishing solid partnerships with relevant organizations, developing new and attainable opportunities for poverty-stricken people and crafting sustainable resolutions to v...

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Theodore H. Friedman and The North American Conference on Ethiopian Jewry

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, December 12, 2012, In : human rights 
Attorney Theodore H. Friedman embarked on his career in the legal arena following the completion of his studies at Harvard Law School. Still practicing today, Friedman enjoys a reputation as one of New York's most talented trial lawyers, a distinction he leverages outside of the courtroom to spearhead a number of commendable charitable endeavors. Throughout his career, Theodore H. Friedman has always set time aside to take on pro-bono cases, both independently and in collaboration with collea...
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The Eppley Foundation for Research: Supporting Novel Ideas and Creating Solutions

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, December 11, 2012,

The Eppley Foundation for Research is a charitable organization that exists for the sole purpose of enhancing knowledge in the fields of pure and applied science. Through funding comprehensive research and informative publications, the foundation is able to support and provide encouragement to generations of researchers and scientists who are searching for insights and answers to the complex mechanisms of the world we live in.

The organization was founded in 1947 by physical chemist Captai...

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The Water Project: Giving More than a Drop of Hope

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, December 7, 2012, In : Health 

Clean and potable drinking water is a necessity, but for people living in poverty stricken and underdeveloped countries, having water that’s safe to drink is more of a luxury. A group of Christians from Saint John, NB Canada heard about the plight of people in these countries and decided to do something about it. The Water Project was established in 2006 and has been working in partnership with in-country organizations in order work more efficiently. Since then, it has helped over 500 com...

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US Marines Give Back with Toys for Tots

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, December 4, 2012, In : Foundation 

The US Marines give their lives to serve and protect their countrymen, but that’s not where their dedication to their country and its people ends. For over 65 years now, Marine Reservists from all over the United States have been collecting toys and cash donations from individuals, groups, and corporations and distributing them to less fortunate children during the holiday season.

The Toys for Tots campaign began in 1947 when a group of Marine Reservists based in Los Angeles led by Major...

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