Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: November, 2012

Healthy Kids School Canteen Association: Partnering With Schools to Ensure Child Nutrition

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 30, 2012, In : Health 

A non-government, non-profit, health promotion organization headquartered in Sydney, Australia, Healthy Kids School Canteen Association aims to promote and ensure the provision of healthy and nutritious foods in school cafeterias, as a response to the alarmingly high numbers of children suffering from diet-related illnesses and disorders as well as to build a solid foundation for a bright and healthy future.

Working on the premise that children and teenagers are experiencing rapid physical...

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CanTeen: Providing a Haven for Young Cancer Patients

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 27, 2012, In : Health 

Being diagnosed with cancer can be extremely traumatic at any point in one’s lifetime, but even more so for teenagers and young adults who are still gaining a solid foothold in the world. At this stage, a young person will experience a vast array of concerns, ranging from their identity and independence, down to their relationships and careers. And though cancer may not be deemed as the end of one’s life, it can translate to the beginning of a long and painful process of treatment and s...

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Acid Survivors Foundation: Fighting Acid Violence Since 1999

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, In : Foundation 

Established in 1999 by Dr. John Morrison, Acid Survivors Foundation is a Bangladesh organization that works against acid violence – an increasingly rampant occurrence among extremists and conservatives in Middle-eastern and Muslim-dominated countries. By raising awareness, preventing acid attacks and providing acid survivors with legal and medical aid, the Acid Survivors Foundation aims to provide victims with safer and better lives.

The core of Acid Survivor Foundation’s work revolves...

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The Carter Center: Pursuing Peace, Advocating Justice, Building Hope

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 20, 2012,

Founded in1982 by former United States President Jimmy Carter along with his wife Rosalynn Carter, The Carter Center is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that aims to wage peace, fight disease and build hope. It strives to provide millions of people, especially the underprivileged ones, with easy access to knowledge and skills that can be used to identify and utilize innovative and sustainable solutions that will improve their lives.

Since its inception thirty years ago, the Cart...

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BaanGerda: A Community Caring for AIDS and HIV-infected Orphans

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 16, 2012, In : Health 

Children who are suffering from AIDS or infected with HIV ever so often end up in a situation that is more pitiful than anyone could ever imagine. These young souls are less likely to find sanctuary from their extended families or friends, and can become outcasts in their very own communities. While many charitable institutions and orphanages exist for the purpose of providing abused and abandoned children with comfortable shelters and food, not many are able to respond to the specific need...

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Aleh Negev: Caring for the Disabled the Best Way There Is

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, In : Foundation 

Carefully tucked within the Southern region of Israel, the groundbreaking rehabilitative village of Aleh Negev is a sprawling multifaceted facility that offers severely disabled children and young adults the chance to live a full, rich and productive life within a comfortable and safe environment.

Established in 1982 by the Aleh Organization, Aleh Negev firmly believes that every individual, regardless of the form and severity of his or her cognitive, developmental and physical disability,...

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Bread for the World: Encouraging the Nation’s Leaders to End World Hunger

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 9, 2012, In : Foundation 

Bread for the World is a Christian, non-partisan movement in the United States that aims to end hunger. The organization defines itself as a unified Christian voice encouraging the nation’s law makers to end hunger in the country and overseas. By modifying policies, improving programs and eradicating conditions that allow poverty and hunger to persist, it provides opportunity and assistance to communities far beyond where they live.

The organization was founded in the fall of 1972 by a s...

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American Red Cross: Helping Those in Need

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, In : Foundation 

A box of provisions for disaster victims, blood for suffering patients, shelter when there’s nowhere else to go, emergency message delivered to soldiers from their families – these are just some of the things that the volunteers from American Red Cross busy themselves with. In the face of catastrophe and chaos, one can trust this volunteer-led humanitarian organization to empower people to do extraordinary acts in the most compassionate way.

The American Red Cross, also known as the Am...

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The Foundation for a Better Life: Campaigning for Positive Behavioral Values

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 2, 2012, In : Foundation 

A non-profit organization that encourages “positive behavioral values”, The Foundation for a Better Life, develops public service campaigns that communicate positive values such as caring, honesty, hard work, optimism and helping others. The foundation conveys its message through outdoor advertising, television, radio, theatre, and the internet. Viewers are urged to pass on these positive attributes and values to other people with the rationale that individuals who are living value-base...

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