Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: September, 2012

The Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation: Helping the Youth Shine

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 28, 2012, In : Foundation 

Contrary to what people might say, culture and the arts form an integral part in molding young people to become expressive and responsible citizens. The Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation was founded to do just this. Established in 1995 by brothers Russell, Danny and Joseph Simmons, the charity seeks to provide disadvantaged youth of all races with exposure to the arts and give them a chance to shine. The foundation also believes that involving teenagers in the arts provides them with an ou...

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The Art of Elysium: Putting Smiles on Children's Faces

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, September 25, 2012, In : Foundation 

According to the official website, “Elysium” means “a place or condition of ideal happiness”. Happiness is what The Art of Elysium has indeed been gearing towards its goal of giving children with serious medical conditions a chance to shine. This non-profit organization has a pool of volunteer artists who work with children in various performing arts workshops and activities. These workshops are tailored to help children cope with the emotional difficulties, illnesses and hospitaliz...

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A Discussion of Tzedakah: Charitable Responsibility and the Jewish Faith

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 21, 2012, In : human rights 
Sponsored by Rabbi Leib Tropper
A fundamental aspect of Jewish life discussed extensively in the Talmud and other key religious texts, tzedakah is viewed less as a mitzvah (good deed) and much more so like a responsibility. Derived from the Hebrew root “tzedek’, tzedakah is often misinterpreted as a form of charitable giving that a person may choose to engage in so long as he or she possesses the resources and desire to do so. Unlike the modern concept of philanthropy, a practice that man...
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The Yele Haiti Foundation: Restoring a Nation

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 21, 2012, In : Foundation 

The 2010 earthquake in Haiti shocked the entire world, but before disaster even struck, Yele Haiti was already helping local Haitian communities. Founded in 2005 by musicians Wyclef Jean, Jerry Duplessis and Hugh Locke, Yele Haiti is a grassroots, non-profit organization that focuses on providing the country with emergency relief, youth development and opportunities for education, employment and addresses environmental issues.

Pre-earthquake, Yele Haiti had Yele Vert and the Youth Orches...

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The Prince's Trust: Helping the Youth

Posted by Charity Watcher on Monday, September 17, 2012, In : Foundation 

One of the biggest charities in the UK in terms of expenditure, The Prince's Trust was founded in 1976 by no other than Charles, Prince of Wales and heir to the throne of the country. The focus of the charity is to help disadvantaged youth, provide them with opportunities in education and later on, employment, and help them become healthy, responsible citizens. Around 40,000 young people are under The Prince's Trust every year, with some 80% successfully moving into fields of interest. The ...

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Prostate Cancer Charity: Fighting for Men’s Better Life

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 14, 2012, In : Health 

Prostate Cancer Charity is a UK-based organization that focuses on helping men diagnosed with prostate cancer survive and live with a better quality of life. As the leading charity for men suffering from the said condition, they have three priorities. First, to develop programs geared at providing support and information for men. Second, to fund research on the treatment of the disease and to find answers to questions related to the disease. And third, to initiate and promote change, raise ...

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SOS Children Charity – Where Deeds Speak Louder Than Words

Posted by Charity Watcher on Thursday, September 13, 2012, In : Foundation 

“SOS Children – a charity where deeds speak louder than words.” These are the exact words of description that the Dalai Lama gave for SOS Children Charity. This statement represents SOS Children very well as they build families and communities, not headlines. This means, they may not be that known to the media, but their deeds are worth noting and spreading by those who are truly concerned in helping better the lives of orphaned young children.

SOS Children focuses on addressing the ...

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Child’s Play: Enriching Kids’ Morale by Inducing Fun

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 7, 2012, In : human rights 

Every charity that focuses on children’s welfare does their job according to their pre-set guidelines, based on their beliefs. It can be said that each of these charities has their own way of doing things. For Child's Play, improving the lives of children can be helped by providing them toys and allowing them to play games despite misfortunes or sickness.

Child's Play is the game industry charity established in 2003 that works together with the staff of different hospitals to generate fu...

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Charity:Water and the Mission of Banishing Thirst

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, September 5, 2012, In : Health 

The name of this charitable organization is as simple as the concept that honed it. However, the fulfillment of its mission and vision is not as plain or meek. For Scott Harrison who saw charity as the opportunity to use one's power and position to affect the lives of others for the better, establishing a charity, which main concern is to address the rising issue of water shortage, is one of the most practical ways to enhance human life globally.

In 2004, Scott Harrison left the streets of N...

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