Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: April, 2013

Anand Charity: Living, Loving, Laughing

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 26, 2013,

Anand Charity is a U.S. based non-profit, non-religious, and non-political organization committed to bringing high quality education and healthcare through launching and maintaining projects in India. It is fully run by a team of dedicated volunteers who are hoping to help alleviate the different forms of struggles dealt with by the less fortunate people in their nation of focus.

The charity’s name came from the Hindi word ‘anand’ which means happiness or joy. Thus, it is committed t...

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Science Inc.: Simply Making Lives Better

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 23, 2013,

Our lives are intertwined by family relationships, health, leisure, recreation and lifestyle. However, in these modern times, the quality of our living is dependent on how we are able to balance the difficulties of daily life. This is where Science Inc. provides its greatest contribution. Science provides advice and helps transform similar companies who share Science’s ambitions – to provide accessible solutions to the true problems of mankind that impact daily lives, such as time manag...

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Jason Arumburu: Utilizing his Brilliance to Solve the Greatest Global Problems

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 19, 2013, In : Environment 

The founder and Chief Executive Officer of re:char, Jason Aramburu is a great force to reckon with in the field of social entrepreneurship. At the age of 27, he has built and distributed carbon-negative power plants that generate energy from wastes and replenishes soil in farming villages in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa.

A graduate of Princeton University, as a cum laude with a degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Aramburu has obtained extensive research experience in both l...

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Hugh Evans: Dedicating His Life to Ending Extreme Poverty

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 16, 2013, In : human rights 

Many people spend their youthful years trying to make the most out of life through partying, buying the hottest items available in the market, travelling around the world and countless other You-Only-Live-Once-themed activities. But for Hugh Evans, it’s an entirely different story.

Born in Melbourne, Victoria, Evans puts his resources into good use by transforming the world into a better place, especially for the underprivileged and marginalized. He is the brains behind the Global Pover...

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Business Contributing for Environmental Protection

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 12, 2013, In : Environment 

With the rising concern on climate change, the spotlight is on the business enterprise since they have the capacity and clout to make the earth a greener planet.  In 2002, 1% for the Planet (1% FTP) was launched by Yvon Chouinard and Craig Matthews with the idea that companies should be sensitive to their environmental impacts and contributions. 

With 1% FTP, businesses contribute 1% of their sales to an environmental group of their choice.  The first wave of the project invited twenty-...

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NOLS: Wilderness as Teacher

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, In : Environment 

Imagine a classroom that literally has no walls, where materials are what the earth offers and students are taught about leadership, survival skills and respect for environment.  In 1965, American mountaineer Paul Petzoldt imagined and wanted such classroom that he founded the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS).  He was already an instructor at the Colorado Outward Bound School during that time but felt like there should be a school that focuses on molding leaders and educators major...

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Clowns without Borders: Spreading Laughter in Areas of Conflict

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 5, 2013, In : Foundation 
In 1993, Tortell Poltrona, a clown from Catalonia in Spain, was invited to perform in a Croatian refugee camp and he was reminded that giving a reason for people in conflict to laugh is a way of healing and giving hope. He is familiar about the power of laughter as he grew up in Spain during Franco dictatorship.  After this experience, he organized Clowns Without Borders (CWB) in July 1993.  The next time he travelled for another performance in other Croatian refugee camps, two more clown fri...
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Carlton Hobbs: Renowned Antiques Dealer and Ardent Animal Welfare Supporter

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, April 3, 2013, In : Foundation 
When clients step into the beautifully appointed showroom spaces that comprise Carlton Hobbs Antiques, an internationally renowned gallery situated in the former Vanderbilt mansion on New York’s Upper East Side, they enter a world carefully curated over the course of many years by a man whose passion for culling rarities is equally matched by his commitment to animal welfare. A native Londoner who now makes his home in Manhattan, Carlton Hobbs is an instantly recognizable figure in his fiel...
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Gesundheit Institute: Laughter is still the Best Medicine

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, In : Foundation 

People familiar with Patch Adams, the film and/or the man, are well aware of his philosophy about medical care, which is that care is free; patients are treated as friends, there should be enough time for care interaction, the health of the staff and the patients are equally important, complementary medicine is welcome and that care is infused with fun and play.  Patch Adam, along with 19 of his friends, started the Gesundheit Institute through the free hospital in the early 1970s.  The hos...

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