Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: August, 2013

Houston Food Bank: Feeding the Hungry

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, August 30, 2013,

Created in 1982, Houston Food Bank is an organization that feeds about 137,000 people each week. Through its soup kitchens, pantries, senior centers, and other facilities, it has reached out to those in need and suffering from hunger in Texas. The institution also works hand in hand with other agencies by providing food and other needed items.

The charitable group now operates in a 308,000 square foot facility and is now the nation’s largest Feeding America food bank. This operation is als...

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The Arc: Embracing and Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, August 28, 2013,

People who have intellectual and developmental disabilities need protection from abuse and other forms of violations. The Arc, formerly known as the The Arc of the United States, is a  charitable organization that works to promote the rights of these people. They also encourage these individuals’ inclusion and participation in the community.

Founded in the 1950s by the parents of individuals with developmental disabilities, the institution has changed their names several times to adapt to...

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Combined Jewish Philanthropies: Building a Stronger Jewish Community

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, August 23, 2013,

The Greater Boston Jewish community is the focus of Combined Jewish Philanthropies. This is in addition to their help extended to anyone in need and their advocacy to Israel. It was on April 25, 1985 that this charitable institution got created.

On their first Federation’s appeal, approximately 489 people answered to their call and they were able to raise a total of $11,909 donations. Their mission is to inspire the younger generation to embrace the Jewish life and learning and to forg...

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American SPCA: Caring for Animals

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, August 20, 2013,
Animals also have feelings and are also in need of protection especially from cruelty. “To provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States” is the main mission of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). This non-profit organization created in 1866 has been answering the pleas of animals for protection against human beings.

It was in New York on April 10, 1866 that Henry Bergh created this foundation in respons...

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Nature Conservancy: Conserving Our Lands and Waters

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, August 16, 2013,

“To preserve the land and waters on which all life depends”  is the main advocacy of the charitable institution based in Arlington, Virginia. Working in all 50 states and with presence in 30 other countries, the Nature Conservancy was founded in 1951. It now has over 1 million members and is raking in revenue of $1.65 billion.

Through the efforts of their first president, Cyrus Mark, they were able to make their first purchase – the Volo Bog. This institution has more than 119 mill...

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American Heart Association: Saving Lives, One Heart at a Time

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, August 13, 2013,

The American Heart Association is by far the oldest and the largest volunteer organization focused on fighting cardiovascular diseases. Headquartered in Dallas Texas, the foundation has more than 22.5 million supporters and volunteers working on the efforts to reduce deaths and disability caused by cardiovascular disease and stroke.

This charitable organization is working on their mission of “building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.” Founded by a  group ...

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Lutheran Services in America: Coordinating Lutheran Health and Human Services Organization

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, August 9, 2013,

There are over 300 independent Lutheran health and human service organizations that the Lutheran Services in America coordinates. Considered as a non-profit corporation, the group also works with other organizations that are affiliated in any way to the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and other human service organizations.

Despite the name, the organization doesn’t limit their assistance to just members of the Lutheran church, in fact the majori...

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Direct Relief International: Improving Lives Globally

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, August 6, 2013,

Providing the needed medicines and other critically needed supplies are the two main missions of the non-profit organization based in Goleta, California. Named Direct Relief International, the group is on the move of improving the quality of life by distributing these supplies to health care providers worldwide.

Based on private support, the institution is considered as the largest international non-profit group in California by Chronicle of Philanthropy. This organization is also one of...

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Orphan Grain Train: Saying Yes and Then Changing Lives

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, August 2, 2013,

You would be surprised what you can accomplish if your idea is less than perfect but your heart is in the right place.  This is what happened when the Reverend Ray S. Wilkie, a Lutheran minister, made a missionary trip to Latvia and Russia back in 1992.  These were countries that had just witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union and were now in desperate need of food and basic goods.  The reverend envisioned a train that would go across the American heartland and gather food to ship to th...

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