Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: April, 2014

Human Relief Foundation: Creating a Better Life

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 29, 2014, In : Health 
For nearly two decades now, Human Relief Foundation (HRF) has been a pillar of hope and an instrument to save lives in the poorest regions of the world. Since its founding in 1991, this non-profit organization has been consistently working on their commitment to provide developmental programs and relief to local communities.

The creation of a better life and finding solutions to global issues has been part of the focus of HRF. This international non-governmental organization is a registered ch...

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The Animal Welfare Institute: Furthering Animal Welfare Since 1951

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 25, 2014,
Since the Animal Welfare Institute (AWI) began in 1951, the organization has aimed towards alleviating the suffering that animals go through in the hands of people. When the AWI was just starting, it was particularly focused on easing the plight of animals being used in experiments. In the decades that followed, the organization expanded the range of its work to address the many other concerns that animal suffering touches on. Today, one of the main focuses of the AWI is cruel animal factorie...

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The American Humane Society and its Efforts at Keeping Animals and Children Safe

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 22, 2014,
The American Humane Association (AHA) is a non-profit organization dedicated towards uplifting the welfare of animals and children. When it began in 1877, it was known as the International Humane Association but the organization changed its name the following year. By 1940, the AHA was the sole monitoring institution for humane animal treatment on Hollywood film sets and other broadcasting outfits, becoming well-known for its trademark certification "No Animals Were Harmed" which was shown at...

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AIDS is Not the End: The GMHC and the Fight to Keep Living

Posted by Charity Watcher on Saturday, April 19, 2014, In : Health 
The Gay Men's Health Crisis, now referred to as the GMHC, us a non-profit AIDS service organization in New York City thriving on volunteer support to lead the fight against AIDS in the US. Founded in 1982, the organization started out when a rare form of cancer known as Kaposi's Sarcoma was reported to be affecting young gay men in New York City and San Francisco. When the Centers for Disease Control recognized the new disease as an epidemic, six gay men and their friends gathered in New York...

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The AFCA: Joining the Battle Against HIV and AIDS to Give Children a Healthier Future

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 15, 2014, In : Health 
The American Foundation for Children with AIDS (AFCA) is a non-profit geared towards helping children and their guardians in sub-Saharan Africa who have contracted AIDS or are HIV positive and do not have access to the medical care they need. As of 2008, sub-Saharan Africa represents over two-thirds of new HIV infections in the world and the number keeps growing. To help in the battle against HIV and AIDS, the AFCA provides critical antiretroviral medicine and other medications, medical suppl...

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The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: A Bastion of Hope for Sick Children and Adults

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 11, 2014, In : Health 
Founded in 1947, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has since then been committed towards giving children and adults with cancer with the best kind of treatment possible while at the same time developing cures for tomorrow with the help of cutting-edge research. A part of the Comprehensive Cancer Center under the National Cancer Institute, Dana-Farber is a major affiliate of the Harvard Medical School. Situated in Boston's Longwood Medical Area, the institute has over 3,600 employees and rakes ...

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The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation: Bringing Hope to Children One Toy at a Time

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, In : Youth 
The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is a not-for-profit charity that functions to fund, raise funds, and support the Toys for Tots program under the US Marine Corps Reserve. Founded in 1947, the program was established to distribute toys to children when their parents cannot afford to buy them any for Christmas. Think of it like a US Marine version of Santa Claus. Targeting the youth, the foundation operates out a headquarters in Quantico, Virginia. With revenues amounting to nearly $249 mill...

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Cru and Its Crusade for a Christian World

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 4, 2014,
The Campus Crusade for Christ is an interdenominational Christian organization promoting discipleship and evangelism in over 190 countries across the globe. Founded in 1951, the organization started out at the University of California through the efforts of Bill Bright as a means of ministry that college students can imbibe. Since then, members of the Cru have extended to families, adult professionals, athletes, and more. The organization's headquarters is located in Orlando, Florida. The org...

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Boy Scouts of America: Developing Future Leaders One Child at a Time

Posted by Charity Watcher on Thursday, April 3, 2014, In : Youth 
The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the biggest youth organizations in the US, made up of more than a million adult volunteers and nearly three million youth members. Since its inception in 1910, the organization has have had over 110 million members join its fold. Aside from being the biggest organization in the country that caters to the youth, the BSA is also the most prominent user of values-based development programs for children, training the youth to build character, develop pers...

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