Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: February, 2014

Dr. Gregory Jantz Shares His Insight and Wisdom

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, February 26, 2014, In : Health 

There’s more than one way to help society. Money goes a long way, as does volunteering. Licensed mental health counselor, nationally certified eating-disorder specialist, and best-selling author Dr. Gregory Jantz, founder of The Center for Counseling and Health Resources, Inc., shares his expertise and wisdom with the masses as a contributor to The Huffington Post online and as a guest speaker internationally. His topics range from the new tough security checks at National Football League g...

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AIDA: Protecting Human Health and the Environment

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, February 21, 2014, In : Environment 
AIDA or the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense was established in 1996. The organization was founded through a collaboration of five environmental groups in the US that included Earthjustice. It is an international non-profit organization that tackles environmental law. AIDA is headquartered in Oakland, California and has numerous partners around the globe. This includes countries such as Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Canada, Chile and Colombia.

The organizatio...

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Esther Benjamins Trust: Remembering the Forgotten Children

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, February 18, 2014, In : human rights 
The Esther Benjamins Trust or EBT is a charitable organization registered in the United Kingdom. It promotes the rights of children, particularly those from and in Nepal. It is through the work of the Trust that the imprisonment of Nepali children and their parents, as well as forcing them to work in Indian circuses, illegalized. Currently, it aims to end the use of large scale institutions to care for the children, promoting that care should start with the home where rescued children from th...

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Cancer Research UK: Beating Cancer One Research at a Time

Posted by Charity Watcher on Saturday, February 15, 2014, In : Health 
The world’s largest independent cancer research charity was created through the merger of the Cancer Research Campaign and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Merged on February 4, 2002, this non-profit organization aims to reduce the number of deaths brought about by cancer.

There are about 40,000 regular volunteers who help out raise money through donations, community fundraising, retail and corporate partnerships, events and legacies. These volunteers also aid the organization in carrying ...

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Wateraid: Helping Provide Safe and Clean Water to the World

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, February 12, 2014,
Transforming the lives of millions every year through clean water, sanitized toilets and hygiene education has been the contribution of Wateraid to the world. Working in 27 countries, this non-profit organization was put up as a response to the UN International Drinking Water & Sanitation. 

The efforts of the organization are met with assistance from local communities in the creation of taps and toilets. Through Wateraid’s experience and well researched programs, they also work in influencin...

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Stichting INGKA Foundation: World’s Largest Dutch Foundation

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, February 7, 2014,
The Swedish billionaire, Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of well loved brand IKEA created the Stichting INGKA Foundation. This institution is considered as second largest nonprofit organization in the world and is ranked as one of the largest charitable foundations as of. 

Stichting is a Dutch word for foundation and INGKA is the contraction of the founder’s name whose main objective of creating the organization is to promote and support innovation in various fields of interest in interior desig...

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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: The World’s Largest Private Foundation

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, February 5, 2014,
To enhance healthcare and reduce extreme poverty are the primary interest of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest private foundation in the world. The organization was of course founded by the world’s richest man and his wife, Bill and Melinda Gates.

There are three trustees of the foundation. Other than the couple, the third person is billionaire Warren Buffett. As of June 2013, the organization has an endowment of $38.3 billion. $28 billion of which was donated by Bill Ga...

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