Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: July, 2014

Volunteers of America: Changing Lives by Instilling Change from Within

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, July 29, 2014,
Volunteers of America is a non-profit organization offering affordable housing and other forms of assistance to low-income individuals in the US, supported by 36 affiliates providing services in about 400 communities across more than 40 states and the District of Columbia, as well as Puerto Rico. Guided by the motto “There are no limits to caring,” the organization lends a hand to anyone who would need it, from low-income individuals and those with disabilities to recovering addicts and t...
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Catalyst: Promoting Inclusive Workplaces for Women

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, July 25, 2014,

As a non-profit organization, Catalyst has been around since 1962. This group has been promoting inclusive workplaces for women and has championed its advocacy in promoting equality in the work environment.

Felice Schwartz, a feminist and renowned writer founded the group. As an equality champion, the organization publishes an annual census of women who are in the management and those who are in the corporate boards of the Financial Post 500 and Fortune 500 companies. They also roll out th...

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Sierra Club Foundation: Funding Environmentally Friendly Projects

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, July 22, 2014, In : Environment 
Another champion in the arena of environmental conservation is Sierra Club Foundation. Formed in 1960, this public charitable organization is based in San Francisco, California. The group is known for their motto “To help educate, inspire and empower humanity to preserve the natural and human environment”.

Instead of acting directly on environmental issues, the group uses its funding to finance and sponsor the efforts of several organizations that are deemed environmentally friendly. The...

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Drug Policy Alliance: Ending the American “War on Drugs”

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, July 18, 2014,

To end the American “War on Drugs” has always been the advocacy of Drug Policy Alliance, a non-profit organization based in New York City. The group was founded in July 2000 after the Lindesmith Center and the Drug Policy Foundation merged.

The organization is led by their executive director Ethan Nadelmann and prioritizes the decriminalization of responsible drug use, open dialog about drugs between parents and the youth and the promotion of treatment and harm reduction in response to...

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Friends of the Earth: Changing the World Holistically

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, July 15, 2014, In : Environment 
It is from the pockets of American leader and philanthropist Robert O. Anderson that they took the $200,000 to fund the launching of Friends of the Earth (FOTE). It was in 1969 that the organization started their advocacy to protect Mother Earth from further destruction.

The organization is now an international network of environmental organizations that cover more than 70 countries. This not for profit organization now has over 5,000 local activist groups that started as an anti-nuclear gr...

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Children’s Defense Fund: A Child Advocacy Group

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, July 11, 2014, In : Youth 
Embracing the motto of “Leave No Child Behind”, Children’s Defense Fund has been championing their advocacies of ensuring a level playing field for all children. It was Marian Wright Edelman, who founded this charitable organization in 1973.

The organization today is registered as an American child advocacy and research group. Children’s Defense Fund (CDF) strongly believes that improving the lives of these children will also change everyone’s life.  The founding of the organization ...

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Conservation Fund: Protecting Landmarks and the Environment

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, July 8, 2014, In : Environment 
Another strong advocate of environmental protection is the Conservation Fund. This American environmental non-profit organization also champions in the arena of economic development. Headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, this charitable institution has been around since 1985. 

Working with communities and government leaders, the organization, since its inception has already protected more than seven million acres of land and water in all states in the country. Included in their protection move...

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KaBOOM!: Upholding Every Kid's Right to a Playground

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, July 4, 2014, In : Youth 
As a non-profit organization, KaBOOM! was started in 1996 but inspiration for it was sown the year before Darell Hammond read a story about two children suffocating while playing inside an abandoned car for lack of a playground to go to. Hammond realized the tragedy could’ve been prevented had there been a playground available for the two and so the idea for KaBOOM! was born. 

Before KaBOOM! was officially launched, Hammond had already started working on his idea while leading City Year Chic...

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Share Our Strength: Tapping into Everyone's Strengths for a Better Future

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, July 2, 2014, In : Youth 
Share Our Strength was formed in 1984 with the aim of ending hunger for children in the United States. To achieve its goals, the organization holds culinary events, turns to social media to raise funds and awareness, and solicits individual donations. Share Our Strength believes in long-term solutions and so uses the funds it collects to fund projects that offer lasting remedies to problems involving hunger. The organization also employs a three-step process to fulfill its mission which invol...

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