Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: November, 2014

Public Citizen Foundation Promotes Consumer Rights And Provides The Brains

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 28, 2014,
Everybody is a consumer. Such fact makes the work of Public Citizen Foundation of great importance in modern society particularly in the United States.

Public Citizen Foundation, a non-profit organization, prides itself on being one of the premier consumer rights advocacy groups and leading think tanks in the country. Its pride rests not just on its accomplishments in the protection of consumer rights but also on its fierce independence - the organization neither participates in partisan pol...

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Movember Foundation Moves Men's Health Advocacy The Hairy Way

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 25, 2014,

Who would have thought that moustaches can be used for noble advocacies? But such is the case with Movember Foundation, a non-profit foundation that conducts an annual event designed to raise awareness of issues related to men's health including prostate cancer.

Why Movember? It is a portmanteau of "mo", the Australian-English slang for moustache, and "November", the month when the foundation conducts its ever-growing annual charity event. It also helps that Movember sounds like "move memb...

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Compassion & Choices Strengthens The Fight For The Right To Die With Dignity

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 21, 2014,
The case of Brittany Lauren Maynard, an American with terminal brain cancer who ended her own life and was one of the well-known advocates for the legalization of assistance in dying, put a face to the fight of Compassion & Choices for those who have yet to hear of it.

Compassion & Choices, a non-profit organization, advocates for and ensures access to options regarding the right to die with dignity especially in terminal cases and progressive diseases. Basically, its members work toward the...

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Planned Parenthood Action Fund Brings Reproductive Rights To More Women - And Men, Too

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 18, 2014,
The fight for reproductive rights continues and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund is at the front lines. The national non-profit organization is both the political arm and non-partisan advocacy group of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) that, in turn, is the International Planned Parenthood Federation's (IPPF) affiliate in the United States. Both the PPFA and the IPPF obviously provide for effective and efficient reproductive health services as well as maternal and child he...
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Proven Impact Fund Uses All Contributions For Effective Interventions

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 14, 2014,
In the non-government industry, the best funds use 5-10 percent of their contributions and donations for overhead expenses. In this case, donors and contributors have another reason to place their money at the Proven Impact Fund (PIF) - its operator, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), a poverty intervention research organization, uses 100% of all the fund donations in supporting and expanding effective and efficient interventions to many of the world's most pressing issues.

The fund is ut...

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Evidence Action Gets Potable Water And Deworming Services To More People

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 11, 2014,
Easy access to safe potable water and to deworming services are the flagship programs of Evidence Action, a non-government organization that runs sustainable, cost-efficient and scale-effective programs designed to lessen the diseases and deaths brought by these two aspects of modern life in developed countries. Indeed, these are two things that many people take for granted but many more people in Kenya, Uganda and India, among other countries, are in urgent need of for their enjoyment of a b...
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Quaker Homeless Action: Putting into Action Christ's Mission for the Marginalized

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 7, 2014,

The Quaker community has a reputation for being good Christians, such as in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and visiting the sick. The Quaker Homeless Action is just another manifestation of the tight-knit communities' dedication to putting Jesus Christ's mission for the marginalized of society.

The national charity was established in the mid-1960s when a group of Quakers opened a Christmas soup facility to offer food, friendship and cheer to homeless people in Central London. The ...

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SkyWorks Charitable Foundation Promotes Social Change Via Films

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 4, 2014,

Social change is a gradual process mainly because of the scope of the changes involved, said changes of which can be an alteration of the order, behaviour, and relations in society. But the first step toward social change is taking it one step at a time - or in the case of SkyWorks Charitable Foundation, one film at a time.

SkyWorks, established in 1983 as a nonprofit documentary organization, prides itself on its adoption of a three-pronged approach toward social change - as a cataly...

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