Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: February, 2015

Connecticut Food Bank: Bringing Food to Those in Need

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, February 27, 2015,
Shelters, feeding programs, soup kitchens, and the like rely on donations from private individuals, corporations, and charitable organizations for their day to day supplies. One such charitable organization that helps in the solicitation, storage, transportation, and distribution of food to these facilities and outreach projects is the Connecticut Food Bank.

The Connecticut Food Bank was founded in 1982 by a volunteer at a New Haven community soup kitchen named Mark Patton. The CFB set up a wa...

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StandUp for Kids: Standing Up for At-Risk Youths

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, February 24, 2015,
The number of homeless youth in America is on the rise. Contrary to what most people think, these kids don’t want to be where they are today. The kids who live on the streets, more often than not, do not get a fair shake in life. They are at risk of being victims of gang violence, drug abuse, human trafficking, and other horrific ordeals that young people should never go through. There are many reasons why kids live on the streets. It could be because of poverty or abandonment, or because t...
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BookAid International - Reaching Out through Books

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, February 20, 2015,

Books do more than entertain people. They broaden one’s horizons, educate people and inspire readers to do more with their lives. Unfortunately, there are some parts of the world where books are scarce and education is something people only dream about.

Founded in 1954, Bookaid International brings books to these places and distributes them to libraries, schools, and universities. The program was initiated by Lady Hermione Ranfurly, wife of the Governor General of the Bahamas back then. ...

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Center for Victims of Torture: Helping Victims Heal

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, February 17, 2015,
Torture, and the trauma that comes with it, is a sad reality for many people living in war-stricken nations. The effects of this type of traumatic experience can run deep and have strong repercussions not only on the individuals who have experienced torture, but the society they belong to as well.

The Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) is an international non-profit organization based in St. Paul Minnesota. The organization’s goal is to help survivors of torture through counseling and other...
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Capital Caring: Raising the Standards of Hospice Care

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, February 13, 2015,

Seriously and terminally ill individuals need all the care they can get. Most hospice facilities provide the bare essentials, but there are those that go above and beyond in order to provide the best possible care for their patients.

Capital Caring is one of the pioneers of hospice care in America. Since its inception, the organization has helped countless patients and their families by offering a number of services that help improve their quality of life. Aside from extraordinary hospice ...

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Arthritis & Chronic Pain Research Institute: Understanding Pain and Finding Solutions

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, February 10, 2015,
Experiencing physical pain is part of being human; however, a large number of people suffer from chronic pain due to arthritis and other underlying causes. In the United States alone, one in seven people suffer from one form of arthritis or another. That’s roughly 37 million people. Another 86 million people experience some sort of chronic pain ranging from slight discomfort to debilitating. Not all of the chronic pain experienced by people has a known underlying cause. This makes diagnosis...
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AIDS Fund: At the Frontlines in the Battle Against HIV/AIDS

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, February 6, 2015,

HIV/AIDS is a widespread problem that affects people all over the world regardless of age, gender, race, or sexual preference. One of the main reasons why this issue is still so rampant is the lack of proper education about what the disease really is, how it is contracted, and how it can be managed.  There are many non-profit organizations devoted to AIDS research and the search for the cure, and there are those which aim to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS prevention and help those who are ...

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100 Black Men of America, Inc.: Paving the Way to Better Lives Through Education

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, February 3, 2015,

The 100 Black Men of America, Inc. is an organization that helps African American communities improve and uplift their lives through mentoring and education. They provide mentoring services to young people to help them develop into productive members of society. They also provide scholarships to deserving kids and make sure that children with special educational and behavioral needs are given the attention they need. The organization also has programs that promote health and wellness and ec...

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