Charity Watcher

Browsing Archive: September, 2015

Art21: Using the Power of Digital Media for Contemporary Art

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, September 29, 2015,
Art21, a non-profit organization, has earned a well-deserved reputation for being the preeminent chronicler of contemporary artists and their artwork. Its main chronicling tool: Art21 Art in the Twenty-First Century, a PBS-broadcast television show and Peabody award-winning series.

Its use of digital media in introducing millions of people from all walks of life and in all ages to contemporary artists and their artworks has been hailed as a pioneering approach in the art world. As a result, it...
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MassINC: Mobilizing the Middle Class

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 25, 2015,
MassINC believes that the prosperity and progress of societies partly depend on the presence of a robust middle class, a wide spectrum of citizens from first-time voters to retirees. When policy makers and shapers are armed with accurate, objective and relevant information during debates and discussions, a consensus on the wide range of issues affecting the middle class can be resolved.

With these beliefs as the foundation for its principles, MassINC’s work spans three major areas with the m...
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The Keystone Center: Trusted Guide for Overcoming Policy Obstacles

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, September 22, 2015,
Public policy sets the tone for the public and private sector principles and practices that affect every American’s life. The Keystone Policy Center is at the forefront of surmounting the obstacles that beset policy changes in several sectors including agriculture, energy, education, environment, and public health. The independent, non-profit organization also works toward the advancement of actionable and shared solutions to issues besetting these sectors, thus, ensuring that policy change...
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College Bound: Equipping Students the Tools for Success

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 18, 2015,
Established in 1991, College Bound, Inc. offers public and public charter high school students (Grades 8 to 12) with academic enrichment programs and projects designed to provide them with the crucial tools for college success. The Washington D.C.-based non-profit organization offers its beneficiaries with mentoring and tutoring services, academic and career guidance counselling services, and ACT/SAT preparation services. All of its services are usually provided free-of-charge to students in ...
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The Mount: A Celebration and Tribute to Edith Wharton

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, September 15, 2015,
Edith Wharton is a woman beyond her time - she broke society’s rules about women being tied to the hearth and home by becoming one of America’s greatest writers. She is the author of numerous works of fiction, such as The Age of Innocence and The House of Mirth, as well as authoritative works on interior design, travel, and architecture. She is also the first female awarded for the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, among other honors in the literary world.

Today, Wharton’s legacy is celebrated...
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Billy Graham Evangelistic Association: Spreading the Gospel Is Its Mission

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 11, 2015,
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), a non-profit, Christian-based organization, was founded by Billy Graham in 1950. Its mission is spreading and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide through a wide range of activities on traditional and digital media as well as ministries.

The men and women of BGEA apply Graham’s crusade-style ministry characterized by large gatherings in major cities, youth outreach, evangelism training, and disaster response, as well as television and...
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Cultural Survival and Indigenous Peoples: A Partnership for Human Rights

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, September 8, 2015,
Established in 1972, Cultural Survival is a Cambridge-based non-profit group dedicated to defending the human rights particularly the right to cultural independence of indigenous peoples. Along with the indigenous peoples that they serve, the organization works toward a future where the dynamic cultures and human rights of the indigenous peoples around the world are respected and honored.

All of Cultural Survival’s work is based on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous P...
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Yad Ezra: Fighting for Jewish Children’s Future

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 4, 2015,
Yad Ezra V’Shulamit, which was founded by Ariel Lurie in 1988, is at the forefront of nationwide efforts to provide the most precious Israeli resource – the Jewish children – with every opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. The non-profit organization provides Jewish children and their families with food, clothing, and provisions for emergency relief, especially those living with poverty.

Yad Ezra undertakes year-long programs in different areas including:
  • Distribution of 3,000 ...

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Table to Table: Rescuing Food from Waste, Putting it to Good Use

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, September 1, 2015,
The 1990s, Claire Insalata Poulos’ eyes were opened to the horrifying truth in American culture – tons of usable, healthy, and fresh food was being thrown away by the food industry for various reasons every single day. In 1999, the trained chef-cum-marketing professional launched Table to Table, the first and only non-profit food rescue program in the State of New Jersey.

With the assistance of City Harvest as well as a few of her friends and volunteers, she started gathering excess food f...
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