During the 1980s, animal shelters all over United States routinely killed dogs and cats as a way of managing unwanted pets. More than 17 million animals die each year and sick, old and “problem” pets were always the first to go. As a form of retaliation to such abominable act, a small but strong team of individuals began taking in some of those unwanted animals to a sanctuary where they can heal. With the right care and patience, these animals fully recovered and found loving families. This group of strong-willed yet caring individuals grew and became the Best Friends Animal Society. For so many homeless and abused animals, the foundation of this animal welfare organization was the start of a miracle.

The Best Friends Animal Society hopes that one day all animals will found a safe home where they will feel loved and cared for. They called this mission, No More Homeless Pets, and put this into operation in their Sanctuary, wherein there are 1,700 animals turning their lives all the way around. Each rescued animal receives the necessary medical help, enjoys love and acceptance and is assisted in helping them overcome their troubled past. While waiting for families to adopt them, these animals live in a safe, picturesque and healing environment with their animal and human friends.

Because Best Friend’s mission can only be achieved in partnership with like-minded individuals and organizations, the organization works hand-in-hand with other groups, government agencies and kind-hearted individuals around the nation. Best Friend’s outreach programs get to the core of animal homelessness all over America.

From its humble beginnings, the Best Friends Animal Society has transformed into a frontrunner in the animal welfare movement. However, its future and the future of the animals lie in the same place where it all began – with kind and caring individuals who want to build a better nation for pets. It’s people like them who started all of it, and its people like them who can achieve the No More Homeless Pets mission.