The numbers are impressive - over 110 million Americans as members since its inception in 1910 and over 2.7 million youth members coupled with over 1 million adult volunteers. The Boy Scouts of America, indeed, has earned the right to be one of the United States' largest youth organizations.

But beyond the numbers, the Boys Scouts of America has made and continues to make impressive achievements, thus, earning it the right to be called one of the most important organizations in nation-building. For over a century, the organization has trained generations of Americans in responsible citizenship and character development with emphasis on self-confidence, self-esteem and self-reliance.

The Boy Scouts of America contributes to nation-building by developing its youth, the acknowledged future of the nation. The organization provides for a wide range of education programs and outdoor activities for its younger members as well as career-oriented programs for its older members. The younger members are taught the values of trustworthiness as well as the traits essential for good citizenship and survival in the wild, all of which are crucial for character development.

Truly, the Boy Scouts of America is showing other organizations the way toward better youth development.

Ask any male on the streets and they have likely been members of the Boy Scouts of America at one time or another, perhaps even volunteers to this day because of their sons. For many, being Boy Scouts and progressing through its ranks are rites of passage and badges of honor, not to mention that the organization also hands out badges for specific achievements.

Like many organizations, the Boy Scouts of America has its share of criticisms and controversies. Its near-compulsory membership coupled with its membership obligations have been called unfair, which has resulted in litigation across state and federal courts.

The Boy Scouts of America has prevailed, fortunately, and it appears to be going stronger than ever. Its influence on youth development continues and we can be thankful for it.