Bread for the World is a Christian, non-partisan movement in the United States that aims to end hunger. The organization defines itself as a unified Christian voice encouraging the nation’s law makers to end hunger in the country and overseas. By modifying policies, improving programs and eradicating conditions that allow poverty and hunger to persist, it provides opportunity and assistance to communities far beyond where they live.

The organization was founded in the fall of 1972 by a small but strong-willed group of Protestants and Catholics who met to contemplate on how people of great faith can influence the United States’ policies on addressing hunger. Through Reverend Arthur Simon’s leadership, the group started to test the concept in the spring of 1974. By the end of the year, almost 600 people joined Bread for the World as advocates for the hungry people.

The Bread for the World initiated The One Campaign, a movement that rallies Americans to actively respond to worldwide problems of extreme hunger, poverty and AIDS.