Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women all over the world. Breakthrough Breast Cancer, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer as well as raising awareness everywhere, has successfully been making leaps and strides in their continuing battle against this deadly disease. The organization's vision is “to work for a future free from the fear of breast cancer.”

Breakthrough Breast Cancer works by hosting fundraising events such as fashion shows, sports activities and social media campaigns in partnership with big-name sponsors. The organization's ongoing campaigns include promoting screening and treatments among women in the United Kingdom, pushing for health and medical services for women with family histories of breast cancer, asking eligible women to get themselves screened, and uniting breast cancer patients and medical professionals together.

Breakthrough Breast Cancer is the parent organization of the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Research Centre at The Institute of Cancer Research in London. This research center was an idea developed by Bill Freedman, whose wife Toby Robinds succumbed to the disease in 1986. Along with Professor Barry Gusterson and through the generosity of Peter Green and all of the organization's active supporters, the research center was made a reality. It is now housed in the Mary-Jean Mitchell Green Building of the ICR, named after Peter Green's wife who also died of breast cancer. Breakthrough's foremost patron is no other than Prince Charles, heir to the English throne and one of the world's most celebrated royals.

The Breakthrough Research Centre is currently under the direction of Professor Clarke Isacke, with a group of some 120 scientists and researchers working with other brilliant minds from the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. The organization and the research center uphold their commitment to provide better services for breast cancer patients. Their latest development was the launching of the iBreastCheck iPhone application, which encourages all women to always be on the lookout for signs and symptoms of breast cancer, as well as gives information on the disease and ways on how users can join the cause.