“To reduce the number of deaths from cancer” is the main objective of Cancer Research UK, a charitable organization in the United Kingdom. The group was formed in 2002 through the merger of two cancer awareness organizations: Cancer Research Campaign and Imperial Cancer Research Fund. 

Cancer Research UK is now considered as the largest independent cancer research charity in the world. The organization conducts research pertaining to the prevention, diagnosis, and various treatments of the disease. Their activities are carried out in universities, hospitals, and different institutions in the United Kingdom through its grant-funded researchers and their own employees. Their campaigns are also geared toward the awareness of the disease and to provide information and influence on public policies.

Their awareness campaign is intended for a wide range of audience that includes information for patients, cancer information for health care professionals, and health awareness campaigns and publications. 

The organization takes pride on their 40,000 regular volunteers. Their funding is almost entirely from the public and are raised through legacies, community fundraising, events, retail and corporate partnerships, and donations. It was in 2012 that the organization received a donation from an anonymous donor. The help was accounted to be amounting to £10 million, the largest ever single donation the group received. 

Though the organization was just created in 2002, its history traces back to the creation of Cancer Research Fund in 1902. This foundation changed its name two years after to become the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. 

As of late, this charitable organization funds cancer research in the United Kingdom. They support more than 4,000 scientists, nurses, and doctors in their fight against this dreaded disease. Through their funding, their scientists were able to come up with some of the best drugs to fight cancer. Some of these medications include: Tamoxifen and Herceptin, and Carboplatin and Temozolomide.