Being diagnosed with cancer can be extremely traumatic at any point in one’s lifetime, but even more so for teenagers and young adults who are still gaining a solid foothold in the world. At this stage, a young person will experience a vast array of concerns, ranging from their identity and independence, down to their relationships and careers. And though cancer may not be deemed as the end of one’s life, it can translate to the beginning of a long and painful process of treatment and several years of ambiguity. Fortunately, there are organizations that help young cancer patients deal with these issues, and CanTeen is one of the best there is in the world.

An Australian organization for young individuals suffering from cancer, CanTeen provides support and caters to the needs of cancer patients aged 12 to 24 years old, and is the only organization of its kind in the country. It aims to deliver unparalleled support as well as empower young individuals battling cancer by providing a nationwide support network which includes young cancer patients, young individuals who have siblings or parents diagnosed with cancer and those who have had a family member perish from the disease. The organization provides its members with a haven, complete with teenager-friendly facilities and peers, where they can enjoy being young, away from the daily pressures that are brought about by cancer. Through a wide assortment of fun programs and camps, CanTeen enables its members to share experiences, create lifelong bonds and have fun at the same time.

CanTeen’s foundation was built on the premise that young individuals can cope better with the uncertainties that come along with a cancer diagnosis by talking to other young cancer patients who have undergone the same experience and understand what they are exactly going through. Ever since its inception, CanTeen has always been able to meet the needs of young cancer patients and helped them boost their confidence, develop good coping mechanisms and enjoy their young life to the fullest.