Poverty is a prevalent global issue that has affected the lives of millions of people in the last century. Among the poorest are women who, in these modern times, still suffer from inequality and lack of opportunities. CARE, a leading humanitarian organization, has taken the responsibility of giving disadvantaged women and their children leverage to help them escape poverty.

CARE’s origins take us back to the pages of history in 1945, when 22 American organizations decided to act as one and respond to the needs of the victims and survivors of World War II. Their first act of humanity came in the form of lifesaving CARE Packages, which contained provisions enough for a small family. The war-stricken town of Le Havre, France, received the first batch of packages, all 20,000 of them.

CARE decided to continue its mission – that is to serve poor communities all over the world – even as the war ended. From CARE Packages, the non-profit organization created more campaigns that are in line with their vision and focus.

Among these campaigns is CARE’s Maternal Health Work, which works to ensure that women everywhere will have a safe pregnancy and childbirth. Their Education Work addresses the need of poor communities to have future leaders, and the need of young girls to have more opportunities to improve their own lives.  Once education has been secured, the organization also helps their beneficiaries, especially those in Africa, earn through Microfinance Work.  In 2011 alone, CARE has helped more than 7 million people improve their lifestyle through increased access to diversified livelihoods.

Recently, CARE has launched an agricultural campaign to empower South Asian and African women farmers.

With their continuous campaigns to bridge the divide between the advantaged and disadvantaged, the organization teaches us how to break the cycle of poverty and handle with care the life given bestowed upon our unfortunate brethren.