Reaching out to over 122 million people with their 1015 poverty fighting projects in over 84 countries are just some of the statistics that the organization has reported in 2011. Care USA has been ranked as the 24th largest U.S. charities and is one of the oldest and largest humanitarian aid organizations.

Focusing on the fight against poverty, emergency relief and long term international development projects, the organization headquartered in Atlanta Georgia is taking their cause globally.

This organization is unique because they place special focus on poor women with their belief that women have the power to move whole families and communities to escape poverty. Equipping these poor women will help their cause get cascaded to the community quickly making their efforts more efficient and effective.

Founded in 1945, the organization is listed as a non-governmental entity, non-partisan and nonsectarian in nature. They have been particularly empowering women to promote world change and promote gender equality. It started with 22 American Organizations rushing out to help those survivors of World War II. Thousands of Americans helped out including President Harry S. Truman.

Care USA is part of an international confederation of 12 member organizations that are committed in the fight of lasting victories over poverty. This organization is made notable for their Care Packages. Also known as “Ten-in-One Parcels” these packages were U.S. Army surplus that intends to provide one meal for 10 soldiers during the war.

Their programs are categorized into broad themes namely: Food Security, Emergency Response, Gender and Women’s Empowerment, Climate Change, Health, Education, Economic Development, Advocacy and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). Each of these themes focuses on delivering their intended programs to various countries within their scope. This, however, doesn’t stop the organization from reaching out to countries in need wherein they don’t have their office.