Caritas Internationalis is a coalition of 165 Roman Catholic development, relief and social service organizations operating in more than 200 countries across the globe. Individually and collectively, the confederation’s mission is to work on building a better world, especially for the oppressed and impoverished.

The first Caritas organization was founded by Graham Oldman in November 8, 1897 in Europe. A few years later, more Caritas organizations were formed in the United States and Switzerland. In July 1924, at the Eucharistic World Congress held in Amsterdam, 60 representatives from 22 countries established a symposium, with its headquarters in Caritas Switzerland, Lucerne. This convention became known as the Caritas Catholica. The representatives met every one to two years until the eruption of Second World War, when all operations and programs were halted for the mean time.

In 1947, work resumed and with the Secretariat of the State’s approval, two conferences were held in Lucerne to coordinate collaborations and efforts for upcoming initiatives and programs. Caritas Internationalis were given further ratification when the Secretariat of State delegated the association with the official representation of international welfare organizations, especially in the United Nations.

The year 1950, known to the Catholic Church as the Holy Year, saw a union of several Caritas organizations all over the world. Following the recommendation of Messenger Monti, the former incumbent Secretary of State, and later came to be known as Pope Paul VI, a convention was once again held and participants from the 22 countries came together to scrutinize the problems of the organization’s operations. As a result, a decision to establish a global conference of Roman Catholic charities was made.

Today, Caritas Internationalis is one of the largest humanitarian associations in the entire world, with 165 members operating in more than 200 countries. The president of the organization is Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga and its Secretary General is Michael Roy. Its headquarters is in Palazzo San Calisto in Vatican City.