Charity Watcher

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Free Wheelchair Mission: Supporting the Disabled in Emerging Nations

Posted by Charity Watcher on Saturday, March 1, 2014, In : Foundation 
Free Wheelchair Mission is a non-profit faith-based international humanitarian organization that works to be able to provide free wheelchairs to the impoverished disabled persons in developing countries. It works in partnership with a network of other humanitarian groups that share the same advocacy. To date, FWM has already sent more than 583,000 wheelchairs to over 81 countries across the world. Through their mission, they do not just offer a gift of mobility, but of hope, independence, and...

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Alzheimer’s Foundation of America: Confronting Dementia and Caring for Patients and Families

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, In : Foundation 

Alzheimer’s is a progressive, degenerative brain disorder that attacks the nerve cells, also known as neurons. It results in memory loss and drastic changes in the patient’s thinking and language skills, as well as behavior. Unfortunately, many individuals are affected by this disease globally. It is among the health problems that affect not only the patients themselves but their entire families, too. Thus, finding help and assistance in the form of a caring organization is one of the t...

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Spindletop Charities and Its Mission to Benefit the Youth in Need

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, May 10, 2013, In : Foundation 

Spindletop Charities, Inc., also known as Spindletop International, is a 501 ©(3) corporation established by Loy D. “Butch” Griffin in 1966. It was launched to fulfill the founder’s mission to build an organization that promotes fellowship and goodwill within the gas and oil industry, and at the same time, providing assistance to children and youth in need.

Griffin has successfully built a solid reputation for the organization. Even after his death in 1984, Spindletop was able to su...

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Clowns without Borders: Spreading Laughter in Areas of Conflict

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 5, 2013, In : Foundation 
In 1993, Tortell Poltrona, a clown from Catalonia in Spain, was invited to perform in a Croatian refugee camp and he was reminded that giving a reason for people in conflict to laugh is a way of healing and giving hope. He is familiar about the power of laughter as he grew up in Spain during Franco dictatorship.  After this experience, he organized Clowns Without Borders (CWB) in July 1993.  The next time he travelled for another performance in other Croatian refugee camps, two more clown fri...
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Carlton Hobbs: Renowned Antiques Dealer and Ardent Animal Welfare Supporter

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, April 3, 2013, In : Foundation 
When clients step into the beautifully appointed showroom spaces that comprise Carlton Hobbs Antiques, an internationally renowned gallery situated in the former Vanderbilt mansion on New York’s Upper East Side, they enter a world carefully curated over the course of many years by a man whose passion for culling rarities is equally matched by his commitment to animal welfare. A native Londoner who now makes his home in Manhattan, Carlton Hobbs is an instantly recognizable figure in his fiel...
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Gesundheit Institute: Laughter is still the Best Medicine

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, April 2, 2013, In : Foundation 

People familiar with Patch Adams, the film and/or the man, are well aware of his philosophy about medical care, which is that care is free; patients are treated as friends, there should be enough time for care interaction, the health of the staff and the patients are equally important, complementary medicine is welcome and that care is infused with fun and play.  Patch Adam, along with 19 of his friends, started the Gesundheit Institute through the free hospital in the early 1970s.  The hos...

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FINCA International: Supporting Women and Community Empowerment for Almost Thirty Years

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, March 26, 2013, In : Foundation 

The Foundation for International Assistance (FINCA) International was founded in 1984 by John Hatch with the idea that giving loans to entrepreneurs in poor communities will be more effective if the funds are left to the management of entrepreneurs themselves.  FINCA developed a microcredit methodology known as village banking.  The idea came from the fact that in developing countries, small-scale entrepreneurs find it hard to develop their business because they lack resources and therefore...

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The IS Foundation and Its Earth-Friendly Missions

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, March 22, 2013, In : Foundation 

Founded by Ian Somerhalder, an American actor and model, the Ian Somerhalder Foundation, or the IS Foundation, aims to empower and educate while collaborating with people and projects that impact the planet and its inhabitants positively. Mainly, the IS Foundation views the environment as made up of interconnected organisms. Thus, living things are not differentiated. Animals, trees, humans are all the same and interdependent on one another, facing the same problems with the environment.

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Giving What We Can and Their Pledge to Give

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, March 15, 2013, In : Foundation 

Giving What We Can is an international network with a main goal of eradicating poverty in developing nations. Its members come from different economic statuses, nationalities, and ages, but are united under one belief that poverty is among the most critical issues that need attention.

With their desire to do something about the problem, they have each decided to take “the Pledge to Give”. And with their noble causes, they have pledged to give at least 10% of their incomes to projects o...

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Chive Charities: Making the Most Out of Internet’s Advantages

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, March 12, 2013, In : Foundation 

A lot of organizations and individuals make use of the Internet for different purposes. Most businesses use it as a marketing and selling platform while individual users utilize log on to the Web in order to find information and connect to the rest of the world. But for Chive Charities, this technology serves as a great avenue for them to propagate their cause, and to make that cause actually work.

Chive Charities is a non-profit organization that seeks to pursue abandoned causes that need...

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Dog Tags for Kids: Creating a Link Between Troops and Families

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, February 27, 2013, In : Foundation 

Serving in the military, leaving home and getting deployed onto harm’s way is very difficult for every solider. But for those with families that they had to leave behind, it can even be more painful. Because of this, military service men and women often struggle to find something that they can send to their loved ones – especially for their young children – back home. Whether it is a letter, a piece of band aid or a bottle of sunscreen lotion it can mean the whole world to the little ...

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The Asante Africa Foundation: Educating Children, Creating a Better World

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, February 22, 2013, In : Foundation 

Established in 2006 by Erna Grasz, a corporate executive of Silicon Valley, Emmy Moshi, a Tanzanian businesswoman residing in Kilimanjaro and Hellen Nkuraiya, a school principal and respected member of the Kenyan Maasai tribe, The Asante Africa Foundation is a non-profit, non-government association that aims to provide every African child with direct access to high quality education, regardless of his or her socioeconomic background.

Believing that education empowers people to make informe...

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The Food for Everyone Foundation: Easing Hunger One Garden at a Time

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, February 20, 2013, In : Foundation 

The Food for Everyone Foundation is a non-profit, non-government charitable organization that aims to support and nourish the understanding, development and distribution of ecologically friendly and non-polluting food production processes. By funding and backing up research, development and propagation of the best and most efficient gardening techniques and methods, as well as the finest information dissemination system and teaching approaches, the foundation hopes to provide individuals an...

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Buddy Bear Help: Helping Children One Bear at a Time

Posted by Charity Watcher on Thursday, February 14, 2013, In : Foundation 

In 2002, the United Buddy Bears project was set in motion to help promote peace and harmony among nations. The idea behind the project was to create a collection of Buddy Bears – each representing a United Nations member country – and put them on display for the entire world to see.  The sculptures were created by a team of artists from various countries around the world. The bears are posed with their hands up in the air and placed side by side as if they were holding hands. This exhib...

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Hope for Tomorrow: Assisting the Poor, Building a Better World

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, February 5, 2013, In : Foundation 

Hope for Tomorrow is a non-profit, non-government agency committed to the provision of educational assistance, high-quality health care and several other human services to underprivileged communities. The organization works in collaboration with numerous groups and charitable agencies in delivering humanitarian commodities, relief and services to disadvantaged individuals and destitute regions. Its team is composed of professionals boasting of a vast spectrum of experiences, who works on mi...

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Where Next Association: Equal Opportunities for the Disabled

Posted by Charity Watcher on Thursday, January 31, 2013, In : Foundation 

Like the rest of us, people with learning disabilities or any other type of physical impairment should get an equal chance at education and employment. Unfortunately, there aren’t many schools that offer specialized training and employment opportunities to those who can’t get it any other way.

The Where Next Association believes that physical disabilities should not be a hindrance to achieve a normal life. The association was founded in 1984 with the goal of improving the lives of thos...

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Artforum Culture Foundation: Supporting Modern Art, Promoting Diversification of Cultures

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, January 25, 2013, In : Foundation 

The Artforum Culture Foundation is an independent non-profit organization that supports contemporary art and promotes cultural diversity all over the world. One of its main focuses is Grecian art and the regions under the Greek Diaspora.

The association aims to support emerging and established artists by annually staging prestigious art exhibitions, and by funding projects of various art organizations and initiatives such as European Cultural Centre, Icons of Our Time, Ostrale, Gulf Projec...

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Caritas Internationalis: Working for a Better World

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, January 22, 2013, In : Foundation 

Caritas Internationalis is a coalition of 165 Roman Catholic development, relief and social service organizations operating in more than 200 countries across the globe. Individually and collectively, the confederation’s mission is to work on building a better world, especially for the oppressed and impoverished.

The first Caritas organization was founded by Graham Oldman in November 8, 1897 in Europe. A few years later, more Caritas organizations were formed in the United States and Swit...

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The Nike Foundation: Giving Back Through Actionable Outreach

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, January 8, 2013, In : Foundation 
By Davide Grasso
In keeping with Nike’s reputation as a socially responsible corporate citizen, the company channels considerable resources toward a number of philanthropic projects that target underserved and economically unstable communities across the globe. Recognizing that we all possess potential for greatness, Nike’s leadership team came together in 2004 to establish the Nike Foundation, a catalyst for change that has deeply impacted many lives in an actionable and meaningful capac...

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Network for Good: The Online Platform That Powers Up Cause

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, January 4, 2013, In : Foundation 

Whether it’s a non-profit organization raising money for a good cause, a company holding a charitable event in a community or individual raising money for his favorite charity, Network for Good can help.

Founded in 2001 by the people behind Yahoo!, Cisco Systems and America Online, the web-based charitable company has a wide selection of services that can help all kinds of clients raise funds and draw in online supporters. It also has the facility to give to any charitable organization...

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United States Artists: Putting an End to the Distressing Financial Plight of American Artists

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, January 1, 2013, In : Foundation 

It is a common knowledge that several artists working on their respective fields cannot support themselves financially. Many of them had to take other jobs in shops, schools and restaurants just to keep up with the demands of day-to-day life, leaving them only a small amount of time to create what could’ve been masterpieces and iconic works. Such need for support is something the entire world is familiar with. Throughout history, affluent citizens commissioned artists to create magnificen...

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The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute: Helping Patients with Cancer for Over 65 Years

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, December 28, 2012, In : Foundation 

The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is a product of the collaboration between Sidney Farber, MD and philanthropist Charles A. Dana.

In 1947, Farber founded the Children’s Cancer Research Foundation which aimed not just to find a cure and preventive measures for cancer that afflicts children, but to provide children who suffer from cancer with the advanced and compassionate treatments they deserve. In 1969, the foundation expanded its reach to include research and treatment for cancer in pe...

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War on Want: Fighting the Battle against Poverty

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, In : Foundation 

Poverty is a reality many people do not want to face. It’s not that they don’t care about others; it’s mostly because poverty and hunger is something that is difficult to process or comprehend for people who have never experienced it.  This apathetic sentiment also stems from ignorance of what’s going on. Many of those living in rich, developed nations have no idea about what’s going on in impoverished countries, but there are those who see what’s happening on the other side of ...

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US Marines Give Back with Toys for Tots

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, December 4, 2012, In : Foundation 

The US Marines give their lives to serve and protect their countrymen, but that’s not where their dedication to their country and its people ends. For over 65 years now, Marine Reservists from all over the United States have been collecting toys and cash donations from individuals, groups, and corporations and distributing them to less fortunate children during the holiday season.

The Toys for Tots campaign began in 1947 when a group of Marine Reservists based in Los Angeles led by Major...

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Acid Survivors Foundation: Fighting Acid Violence Since 1999

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 20, 2012, In : Foundation 

Established in 1999 by Dr. John Morrison, Acid Survivors Foundation is a Bangladesh organization that works against acid violence – an increasingly rampant occurrence among extremists and conservatives in Middle-eastern and Muslim-dominated countries. By raising awareness, preventing acid attacks and providing acid survivors with legal and medical aid, the Acid Survivors Foundation aims to provide victims with safer and better lives.

The core of Acid Survivor Foundation’s work revolves...

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Aleh Negev: Caring for the Disabled the Best Way There Is

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, In : Foundation 

Carefully tucked within the Southern region of Israel, the groundbreaking rehabilitative village of Aleh Negev is a sprawling multifaceted facility that offers severely disabled children and young adults the chance to live a full, rich and productive life within a comfortable and safe environment.

Established in 1982 by the Aleh Organization, Aleh Negev firmly believes that every individual, regardless of the form and severity of his or her cognitive, developmental and physical disability,...

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Bread for the World: Encouraging the Nation’s Leaders to End World Hunger

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 9, 2012, In : Foundation 

Bread for the World is a Christian, non-partisan movement in the United States that aims to end hunger. The organization defines itself as a unified Christian voice encouraging the nation’s law makers to end hunger in the country and overseas. By modifying policies, improving programs and eradicating conditions that allow poverty and hunger to persist, it provides opportunity and assistance to communities far beyond where they live.

The organization was founded in the fall of 1972 by a s...

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American Red Cross: Helping Those in Need

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, In : Foundation 

A box of provisions for disaster victims, blood for suffering patients, shelter when there’s nowhere else to go, emergency message delivered to soldiers from their families – these are just some of the things that the volunteers from American Red Cross busy themselves with. In the face of catastrophe and chaos, one can trust this volunteer-led humanitarian organization to empower people to do extraordinary acts in the most compassionate way.

The American Red Cross, also known as the Am...

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The Foundation for a Better Life: Campaigning for Positive Behavioral Values

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, November 2, 2012, In : Foundation 

A non-profit organization that encourages “positive behavioral values”, The Foundation for a Better Life, develops public service campaigns that communicate positive values such as caring, honesty, hard work, optimism and helping others. The foundation conveys its message through outdoor advertising, television, radio, theatre, and the internet. Viewers are urged to pass on these positive attributes and values to other people with the rationale that individuals who are living value-base...

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Acorns Children’s Hospice: Caring for the Child and Supporting their Families

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, October 23, 2012, In : Foundation 

Founded in 1988 at the heart of England, Acorns Children’s Hospice Trust is a charitable foundation that offers a wide range of care to life-threatened and life-limited children and young individuals and their families across United Kingdom. These children and adolescents are unlikely to reach adulthood, and therefore require specialized and holistic care every hour of the day, every day of the year. As of the moment, Acorns support more than 650 children and 920 families in England.


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Absolute Return for Kids: Creating High Returns, Transforming Children’s Lives

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, October 19, 2012, In : Foundation 

With an aim to transform the lives of children across the globe, Absolute Return for Kids is an international organization which develops programs and interventions that create the greatest developments in children’s lives by investing its benefactors’ money in the most effective way there is.

The foundation focuses on protection, education and health of children all over the world and works alongside, local, national and worldwide partners in developing innovative solutions that wil...

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The Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation: Helping the Youth Shine

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 28, 2012, In : Foundation 

Contrary to what people might say, culture and the arts form an integral part in molding young people to become expressive and responsible citizens. The Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation was founded to do just this. Established in 1995 by brothers Russell, Danny and Joseph Simmons, the charity seeks to provide disadvantaged youth of all races with exposure to the arts and give them a chance to shine. The foundation also believes that involving teenagers in the arts provides them with an ou...

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The Art of Elysium: Putting Smiles on Children's Faces

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, September 25, 2012, In : Foundation 

According to the official website, “Elysium” means “a place or condition of ideal happiness”. Happiness is what The Art of Elysium has indeed been gearing towards its goal of giving children with serious medical conditions a chance to shine. This non-profit organization has a pool of volunteer artists who work with children in various performing arts workshops and activities. These workshops are tailored to help children cope with the emotional difficulties, illnesses and hospitaliz...

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The Yele Haiti Foundation: Restoring a Nation

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, September 21, 2012, In : Foundation 

The 2010 earthquake in Haiti shocked the entire world, but before disaster even struck, Yele Haiti was already helping local Haitian communities. Founded in 2005 by musicians Wyclef Jean, Jerry Duplessis and Hugh Locke, Yele Haiti is a grassroots, non-profit organization that focuses on providing the country with emergency relief, youth development and opportunities for education, employment and addresses environmental issues.

Pre-earthquake, Yele Haiti had Yele Vert and the Youth Orches...

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The Prince's Trust: Helping the Youth

Posted by Charity Watcher on Monday, September 17, 2012, In : Foundation 

One of the biggest charities in the UK in terms of expenditure, The Prince's Trust was founded in 1976 by no other than Charles, Prince of Wales and heir to the throne of the country. The focus of the charity is to help disadvantaged youth, provide them with opportunities in education and later on, employment, and help them become healthy, responsible citizens. Around 40,000 young people are under The Prince's Trust every year, with some 80% successfully moving into fields of interest. The ...

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SOS Children Charity – Where Deeds Speak Louder Than Words

Posted by Charity Watcher on Thursday, September 13, 2012, In : Foundation 

“SOS Children – a charity where deeds speak louder than words.” These are the exact words of description that the Dalai Lama gave for SOS Children Charity. This statement represents SOS Children very well as they build families and communities, not headlines. This means, they may not be that known to the media, but their deeds are worth noting and spreading by those who are truly concerned in helping better the lives of orphaned young children.

SOS Children focuses on addressing the ...

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A Father Turns His Grief into His Mission

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, June 8, 2012, In : Foundation 

The death of popular singer Amy Winehouse did not come as a shock to most. Though stricken with grief, the singer’s fans had somewhat knew what was coming. It was no secret that Winehouse had drug and alcohol problems which inevitably led to her untimely demise.

The person closest to Amy, her father Mitch Winehouse was most the most heartbroken of all. His grief was greater than most, but he was able to turn this around to create something beautiful out of his daughter’s passing. This...

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The Will to Do Good

Posted by Charity Watcher on Tuesday, May 22, 2012, In : Foundation 

Hope and a helping hand – that's what Goodwill's mission has been since it started out in 1902. This non-profit organization has long been a worldwide banner for equal opportunities and support-driven communities.

Through its strong donorship program, Goodwill has been one of the biggest providers of employment training, additional education and placement services for people who have disabilities, criminal records or other special needs, immigrants and senior citizens, or those who have ...

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Starlight Children’s Foundation Brings Life Back to Sick Children

Posted by Charity Watcher on Thursday, May 17, 2012, In : Foundation 

One of the things serious or chronic illness takes away from a child is their childhood. They are no longer able to act and play like children due to the rigorous rounds of treatment they have to go through just to get better. Starlight Children’s Foundation aims to lessen the stress a child feels during these troubling times as well as bring a sense of normalcy back into their lives.

The Starlight Children’s Foundation helps seriously-ill children in the hospital by providing them wit...

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Ronald McDonald’s Good Heart

Posted by Charity Watcher on Monday, May 14, 2012, In : Foundation 

Ronald McDonald is one of the world’s most recognizable mascots. With his signature fiery red hair and oversized boots to match, Ronald gives joy and laughter a new meaning, especially to children who are in dire need of help. To them, Ronald McDonald does not only represent the multi-billion dollar fast food chain that created him, he also represents hope.

In 1974, fast food giant McDonald’s built and opened its first Ronald McDonald House in Philadelphia. The purpose of this house wa...

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Operation Blessing International: Sharing God’s Blessings to Those Who Need It Most

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, May 11, 2012, In : Foundation 

Part of being a good Christian is acting like one, and one of the pillars of Christianity is all about sharing our blessings to those in need. This is what The 700 Club host M.G. Robinson aimed to achieve when he founded Operation Blessing in 1978.

It all began when viewers of the popular television program donated food, clothing and other items through the show to be delivered to deserving individuals and families in dire need of help. Over time, the organization joined forces with church...

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More than 100 Years of Big Brothers and Big Sisters

Posted by Charity Watcher on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, In : Foundation 

A little guidance goes a long, long way. That’s what the organization Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America has proven with its more than 100 years of experience in helping the nation’s youth build better lives for themselves.

Founded in 1904 by Ernest Coulter, a New York City court clerk, Big Brothers Association’s aim was to provide guidance and support to young boys in situations that make them more likely than most to get into trouble with the law. The organization began with 3...

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Sunshine Foundation: The Original Wish Charity

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, May 4, 2012, In : Foundation 

In 1976, Bill Sample, a police officer from Philadelphia who was assigned on protective duty at a children’s hospital, deeply affected by the hardships the patients were facing everyday, decided to help make the dreams and wishes of the terminally and chronically ill children come true. He founded the Sunshine Foundation, the first among many wish-granting charities we know of today. The foundation’s goal is to grant the wishes of children between the ages of three to eighteen, who suff...

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AmeriCares – Delivering Help Based on Passion

Posted by Charity Watcher on Friday, April 20, 2012, In : Foundation 


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