Christian Aid Ministries is a charitable organization that works to ensure proper and organized distribution of donated goods abroad. This group is categorized as a foreign-aid outlet for Mennonite, Amish, and several other conservative Anabaptist groups. 

It was in 1981 that the organization was founded. Since its inception, it has been a practice of their supporters to come up with 15 million pounds of food, seeds, clothing, medicines, Bible story books, Bibles, and various Christian literature for those people who are in need. Their donations also become funding for various clean up and rebuilding budget for those afflicted areas by natural disasters. In addition, these funds also become a source to operate their medical clinics. They also keep their International Crisis program which is geared towards providing assistance to people around the world that are impacted by famine, natural disasters, and war. 

The organization is supported entirely by contributions. These donations are from concerned citizens and churches from Canada, Mexico, the United States, and several other countries. The group works under their main purpose of “bringing the Gospel to a lost and dying world.”