The case of Brittany Lauren Maynard, an American with terminal brain cancer who ended her own life and was one of the well-known advocates for the legalization of assistance in dying, put a face to the fight of Compassion & Choices for those who have yet to hear of it.

Compassion & Choices, a non-profit organization, advocates for and ensures access to options regarding the right to die with dignity especially in terminal cases and progressive diseases. Basically, its members work toward the improvement of the rights of patients to end-of-life options, thus, allowing them the right to die according to their own terms (i.e., the best death possible).

Today, the organization is the largest of its kind with over 25 chapters and 40,000 supporters. Your donations to the non-profit organization will certainly be used in reducing people's suffering and in giving them a voice at the end of their lives, even when illness or injury has robbed them of it.