The Campus Crusade for Christ is an interdenominational Christian organization promoting discipleship and evangelism in over 190 countries across the globe. Founded in 1951, the organization started out at the University of California through the efforts of Bill Bright as a means of ministry that college students can imbibe. Since then, members of the Cru have extended to families, adult professionals, athletes, and more. The organization's headquarters is located in Orlando, Florida. The organization changed its name to "Cru" in 2011 to overcome barriers and perceptions that have been associated with its original name.

As of 2007, Cru has more than 50,000 students actively involved in its ministries in more than 1,000 colleges and universities across in the US. One-to-one conversations about God have always been a popular tool for the organization in reaching out to members, but film showings, mass meetings, and digital media have also been employed by Cru.