Since 2000, entrepreneur and former Katun Chairman David Jorgensen has served as President of the David & Annette Jorgensen Foundation. He has overseen contributions to a number of charitable organizations, including the Hoover Institution, the Pacific Legal Foundation, the Challenge Learning Center, and the Free to Choose Network. Many of these nonprofits share a commitment to promoting the benefits of free enterprise, limited government, and accountability among public officeholders.

In addition to supporting the Free to Choose Network through charitable contributions, David Jorgensen serves as Vice Chairman of the organization. The Network takes its  inspiration from Nobel award-winning economist Milton Friedman, who advocated personal, political, and economic freedom throughout his lifetime. Mr. Friedman notably produced the PBS documentary Free To Choose in 1980, subsequently authoring a bestselling book of the same title and serving as a key member of President Ronald Reagan’s economic advisory team. During the 1980s, Mr. Friedman notably opposed interventionist Keynesian policies, influencing a shift towards deregulation and supply-side capitalism.

 The Free to Choose Network continues to promote Friedman’s core message through broadcast television, classroom media, and Internet social media outlets. The organization also sponsors an annual Winning Ideas Weekend, a two-day seminar and awards event that has featured prominent corporate and political figures, including former Secretary of State George Shultz. An annual highlight is the Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet, which is made possible through David and Annette Jorgensen’s support. The awards honor innovative teachers who have led students in considering concepts such as rule of law, private property, free trade, and voluntary association.