There’s more than one way to help society. Money goes a long way, as does volunteering. Licensed mental health counselor, nationally certified eating-disorder specialist, and best-selling author Dr. Gregory Jantz, founder of The Center for Counseling and Health Resources, Inc., shares his expertise and wisdom with the masses as a contributor to The Huffington Post online and as a guest speaker internationally. His topics range from the new tough security checks at National Football League games to mental illness and gun control. The mental health expert and his colleagues treat individuals and families, including adolescents and celebrities, for eating disorders, addictions, relational problems, and other conditions at The Center for Counseling and Health Resources.

Dr. Jantz also counsels parents and children on improving their communication and strengthening their bonds, and he addressed the topic in “Are you Parenting on Auto-Pilot?” on The Huffington Post. In the article, he describes a study of children ages 3 to 5.  One group learned healthy eating habits, while another watched only non-violent television shows. Both groups showed improvement in behavior, particularly the television group, but the improvements tended to wear off in the following six months. Dr. Jantz surmised that the children’s parents had succumbed to the all-too-easy parenting technique of letting the television set babysit, as in parenting on auto-pilot.

In other posts, the mental health expert has expounded on football player Manti Te’o and his character flaws, the homeless man who returned an engagement ring mistakenly left in his donation cup, and looting after a natural disaster (it’s not about the property). He also has written on topics as varied as the London Olympics; Theresa Christian, who locked herself in a chest freezer to hide from an impending storm; and cyclist Lance Armstrong and his doping scandal. Most of the doctor’s pieces relate to human behavior, with a heavy dose of common sense and down-home wisdom.