The “Dirty Dozen” is not a list of cops and criminals ala Dirty Harry style. Instead, it is a list issued by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) of foods with the highest levels of pesticide residues, a list that attracts nationwide media attention and changes consumer perception of healthy foods on their tables.

What is the Environmental Working Group (EWG)? It is a well-known environmental organization with headquarters in Washington, D.C. and founded by the power duo Ken Cook and Richard Wiles in 1993.

The non-profit group specializes in research, education and advocacy in several areas, namely, agricultural subsidies, toxic chemicals and public lands as well as corporate accountability in these matters. It professes to use the power of public education and information in the protection of public health and the environment, a strategy that has earned it many notable achievements in the industries in which it is involved in.

The best thing: It has high cost efficiency because 84 cents out of every dollar donated are used for the organization’s programs; the rest are used for administrative expenses.