Easy access to safe potable water and to deworming services are the flagship programs of Evidence Action, a non-government organization that runs sustainable, cost-efficient and scale-effective programs designed to lessen the diseases and deaths brought by these two aspects of modern life in developed countries. Indeed, these are two things that many people take for granted but many more people in Kenya, Uganda and India, among other countries, are in urgent need of for their enjoyment of a better quality of life.

Evidence Action (EA) implements these programs based on the results of tests conducted at the Innovation for Poverty Action, a well-known poverty intervention research group that has worked with EA on many other projects.

Dispensers for Safe Water provides beneficiaries with chlorine dispenser systems, which have been proven effective in killing 99.99% of disease-causing bacteria while keeping the water free from contaminants for 72 hours. Deworm the World involves widespread school-based programs where kids and even adults are provided with anti-parasitic pills, thus, preventing the increase of diseases related to worm infections. Together, these two flagship programs make an impact on the daily lives as well as bright future of their beneficiaries as access to safe water and deworming services are vital to both especially in the beneficiary countries.

Why donate to EA? For one thing, the organization has one of the best cost efficiency groups in the industry with each student costing just $0.06 per year for deworming and only $0.90 per person per year for access to safe water. For another thing, the organization has made a strong impact on the lives of its beneficiaries by cutting down on absenteeism, diseases and deaths as well as increasing productivity.

When you donate to EA, you are giving another person, another family, and another community a helping hand - or as its founders say, a hand up, not a handout.