The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals has an important mission amidst the worldliness of the Church and society. By coming together in an alliance, the members call the Church to repent of its worldliness in favor of Christ’s mercy; to follow the example set by the reformers by recovering and confessing the truth of God’s Word; and to see God’s Word in the doctrine, worship and daily life amongst themselves.

The Alliance is a coalition of pastors, churchmen, and scholars who have devoted themselves to holding the creeds and confessions of the Protestant and Reformed faiths. The coalition also proclaims the biblical doctrine with the aim of promoting a Reformed awakening in the modern Church.

The men and women who are part of the coalition come from various Christian denominations including Baptist, Anglican, Congregational, Presbyterian, Lutheran and Reformed. While these denominations may disagree on many issues of creeds, confessions and dogma, all of them agree on the importance of reawakening a dying culture in the Church.

Established in 1949 as the Evangelical Ministries, the Alliance started its mission via broadcasts of Dr. Donald Grey Barnhouse’s Christian views through The Bible Study Hour. It also published the Eternity magazine.

Today, the Alliance uses several methods to proclaim the Bible. Both the traditional and digital media are used to acquaint the target audience across the country and the world about the Alliance’s message. Since the media venues require little to no monetary commitment, everybody can be encouraged to participate in the discussions about reformed theology and its implications in modern living.

Person-to-person events are also conducted by the Alliance members. These usually take the form of national and regional gatherings where members, even non-members, can expand their networks as well as interact with the speakers. The printed page is also used in enabling readers to think about critical issues affecting their Christian faith.