Since its founding in 1979, Feed the Children has helped out the less fortunate around the world. In fiscal year 2011 alone, the group has distributed more than 104 million pounds of food including other essentials to families and children. They don’t limit their works to the 50 states but they have also done their charitable deeds internationally.

They have continued on working on their mission “to provide hope and resources to those without life’s essentials” together with their CEO Kevin Hagan. Hagan who was formerly with Good360 has started with the organization just last June 4, 2013.

Feed the Children holds the BBB Wise Giving Alliance Charity Seal and is meeting all the 20 standards of this reporting body. Together with that transparency report, they also received a three (out of four) star rating from Charity Navigator, the most trusted evaluator in the US.

To further expand the reach of this institution, they announced last February 12, 2013 their plans of making World Neighbors as one of its subsidiaries starting the 1st of March of 2013. This will add 21 more countries within their charitable reach.

According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Feed the Children is the 25th largest charity in the United States with $436 million in revenue. Not only are they working with cash donations but they also accept in kind goods.

They have distributed more than 500,000 backpacks filled with school supplies and other personal care items in area in the United States, Africa, Asia, Central and South America and The Philippines. They have also provided 350,000 meals daily through their partnership with NAEHCY (National Association of Educators for Homeless Children and Youth).

Their programs revolve around their core value of Christianity, Stewardship, Transparency and Resourcefulness. They work on making everyone – not a single child or family – not go to bed hungry.