People familiar with Patch Adams, the film and/or the man, are well aware of his philosophy about medical care, which is that care is free; patients are treated as friends, there should be enough time for care interaction, the health of the staff and the patients are equally important, complementary medicine is welcome and that care is infused with fun and play.  Patch Adam, along with 19 of his friends, started the Gesundheit Institute through the free hospital in the early 1970s.  The hospital is a six-bedroom house open every hour, every day for all types of patients.  The Gesundheit was able to purchase a 321-acre lot in Pocahontas County, West Virginia through donations.  The institute became known worldwide through the movie “Patch Adams” starring Robin Williams who played the title role.  The blunder of the movie was informing the viewers at the end of the film that the free hospital planned for the West Virginia lot has already been constructed.  This slowed down the Gesundheit in raising funds but was able to cope and today, the institute is gearing up for other building projects to continue their objectives.

In 2006, Gesundheit Global Outreach (GGO) was formed to extend the services of the institute across the world with emphasis on educational programs, clowning missions, humanitarian aid, building projects and community development.  In the Peruvian area of the Amazon, GGO helped established The Belen Project with Bolaroja Clown Doctors, Airline Ambassadors, Clown One Italia, Maria’s Children, Pan American Health Organization, the University of Peru Herdia Cayetano Medical School and the people of Belen, Iquitos, Peru.  A large part of the population of Belen lives in depressed conditions and is vulnerable to diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, water-borne illnesses, and even HIV.  Through the Belen Project, the organizers wishes to create a comprehensive healthcare to the area and a provide programs utilizing art, education, theater and other modalities directed to inhabitants helping the community realize its own dreams for education, enhanced health and happiness.