While many charities provide financial assistance through programs such as education or healthcare, GiveDirectly has a rather unique approach in providing assistance to their chosen recipients in Kenya. There, the organization provides financial assistance to up to $1,000 for a two year period to families of their choice, with total disregard to how the family uses the money.

The funds are transferred through SIM Cards and if a chosen family does not have a SIM Card, the Foundation will provide them one.

Despite of the Foundation’s unique approach to providing assistance, studies have shown that the effectiveness of this approach has been positive. In some cases, the recipients have used the funds to improve quality of life and education for their children. Others have chosen to save or invest the money they were provided. 

It is worthy to note that GiveDirectly actually monitors the funds in order to asses its effectiveness to the families. Majority, if not all, of the families are extremely poor living on less than a dollar a day. The funds they receive from GiveDirectly makes a major impact on their livelihood thus improving their quality of life.