Giving What We Can is an international network with a main goal of eradicating poverty in developing nations. Its members come from different economic statuses, nationalities, and ages, but are united under one belief that poverty is among the most critical issues that need attention.

With their desire to do something about the problem, they have each decided to take “the Pledge to Give”. And with their noble causes, they have pledged to give at least 10% of their incomes to projects or campaigns that they think will help in answering one of the world’s most pressing problems.

In order to fully realize the fruit of their charity, the members of the society examine the effectiveness of particular aid programs that they are looking to support. They also expose weak arguments against helping or donating. They also promise to make giving a part of their own lives and show others how it is possible for them to give a part of their income without feeling any hint of regret.