The Global Action for Children or GAC was a results oriented coalition committed to improving the lives of highly vulnerable children and orphans in developing nations. Founded in 2003, it advocated for improved policies as well as expanded investments in proven interventions and programs. It also worked to help increase effectiveness of initiatives and make for efficient spending of taxpayer dollars to serve children better.  GAC led advocacy initiatives that ensure access to life-saving yet low-cost medicine and interventions that directly impacted and ensured the healthy development of children and their survival.

GAC had a unique strength that was derived from the diversity and effectiveness of the faith-based, nongovernmental, charitable, and student organizations that comprise the Leadership Council, as well as the capability to mobilize a wide range of constituencies. The Council was also considered as a nonpartisan, independent voice that stood up for children. It did not accept any form of government funding. Such independence allowed it to perform and adhere to its mission, take bold actions on issues that affected children without worrying about financial repercussions, and avoid advocating for the sake of just a few parties. The GAC became an inspiration for many child health communities and organizations for being a strong, independent voice.

GAC has advocated for basic education, community care, foreign aid reform, and research into diseases such as HIV/AIDS, among others. The organization also worked to prevent childhood sexual abuse, human trafficking, violence toward children, and childhood marriage.

The GAC worked to develop awareness and policies, funding, and policies from its headquarters in Washington, D.C., ensuring that the beneficiary children had the support and resources they needed. The GAC fulfilled its mission and carried out its programs through policy outreach, media outreach, coalition building, and grassroots and grasstops mobilization. 

GAC ceased operations in December 2010.