Unlike any other charitable institutions, Good360 focuses on the new and nonperishable products of companies that are already considered as obsolete, slow moving and seasonal products. They help out these companies effectively dispose these items through pre-qualified charities, schools and other organizations that are in need of these products.

Created in 1983, Group360 has received various citations including those from Forbes and the Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy for their excellence and efficacy.

Formerly known as Gifts in Kind International, the company is one of the 100 Largest U.S. Charities as listed by Forbes. They are headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia and had total revenue of $311 million for fiscal year 2011.

This non-profit organization aims to keep unused products from going to dump sites and give it to those who are in dire need of the items. They also help out various companies to give back to the community they live and work in.