The world is one big community and we are all neighbors. As neighbors, we should be living together in harmony and helping each other out when one is in need. Good Neighbors does just that. This non-profit organization helps those in need to build a better future for themselves by initiating programs that have a lasting effect.

Founded in 1991, Good Neighbors began its operations by helping disadvantaged kids living in Seoul, South Korea. They implemented projects to help children and adults as well. Some of the projects include establishing orphanages and programs for handicapped children, as well as finding homes for poor widows, assistance for the families of people with tuberculosis, and projects that help in the development of rural communities. In 1994, the organization expanded its reach by establishing refugee camps and schools in Rwanda and sending teams to provide medical aid and relief. The establishment of Good Neighbors became an official organization in 1996. Since then, their presence has been felt in over 30 countries all over the world. Today, Good Neighbor’s flagship projects include providing communities in Africa with clean water wells and sponsoring children living in poverty stricken nations such as Nepal, Malawi, Chad and Guatemala.

Good Neighbors USA performs a support role in the grand scheme of things. The offices established in the United States deal with more of the business end of the programs being implemented in impoverished nations. In 2007, Good Neighbors opened up an office in Los Angeles. This office handles most of the fund raising work for the organization and also helps with donor management, marketing campaigns, and volunteer programs. A second US office was opened up in Washington D.C. in December 2010. This office handles the networking and partnership with other organizations and is in charge of obtaining grants from foundations and government agencies in the US.