The Democratic Republic of Congo has been under siege with its internal struggles including extreme violence, mass population displacements, as well as widespread collapse of its public health system. This is where HEAL Africa USA comes in to help the country.

HEAL Africa USA is a United States-based effort that supports HEAL Africa, a non-profit organization founded by Congolese professionals who adopted a unique approach integrating sustainable community development and accessible healthcare services. HEAL Africa has worked for over two decades in bringing health services to vulnerable people particularly women, children and the elderly as well as communities that continue to suffer from the effects of poverty, rape and war – and its USA counterpart provides its full support to the cause.

HEAL Africa USA, a recognized 501(c)(3) organization, encourages donors in bringing healing and hope to the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Donors are assured that their contributions will truly be used in community development and healthcare services delivery in the African country, such as $25 used to buy a single mosquito net for malaria prevention; $100 for the monthly school expenses for three children; $200 for finance training and micro-grant for an aspiring entrepreneur mired in poverty; and $1,000 for an entire year’s supply of anti-retroviral drugs for three HIV-positive children. Donations of $5,000 will be used for the construction of a training center and safe house for abused women.

Through HEAL Africa USA, donors are also supporting a 155-bed hospital in Goma with a wide range of healthcare services including general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, paediatrics, orthopedics, and internal medicine. The healthcare facility is also a center for research and training for Congolese healthcare professionals. Donors also support a network of safe houses and clinics across the countryside, said facilities of which are the venues for several community-based development activities.