In 1991, in Manchester, a relief charity was created to help fight against poverty. Established to help the advancement of education, protection of good health, and relief of sickness, Human Appeal International works as a British international development organization.

The organization is focused primarily on impoverished countries like Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Mauritania and Sudan. As a non-profit institution, it has a presence in 24 countries in the continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. It reaches hard to access areas by partnering with local, national and international partners. It envisions a world that is devoid of poverty, with educated people and mouths that are well fed. It has various programs to help families and their communities conquer poverty and be prepared for any natural disasters. As a life preserving organization, it is also gearing its volunteers and staff for any medical aid in humanitarian crises.  

As a humanitarian organization, Human Appeal International has served at the forefront in the crisis in Syria, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mali and in the Palestine. It has fed thousands of hungry people and provided temporary shelter and medical aid to the needy.