India is one of the countries that, although the economy is growing, is still in dire need of assistance for the development, protection and empowerment of their women, children and adolescents. Several countries have answered this call in the form of charitable institutions. One of the many organizations aimed at helping the country is the Child in Need Institute.

Child in Need Institute or CINI is also commonly referred to internationally as Child in Need India. As an international humanitarian organization, it seeks to promote sustainable development in education, health and nutrition of every child and woman in India. There are several organizations that carry the name CINI. The one that is based in India is headquartered in Calcutta and operates in the poorest areas in the country. Their international arm is called Fondazione CINI and is based in Verona, Italy. There are also national associations in Australia, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Uganda and in the United States.

It was Samir Chaudhuri, a medical doctor, who founded the institution in 1974. The organization emerged, in part, from his work as a pediatrician in some of the poverty-stricken areas in India. Even prior to the creation of CINI, he has been involved in major community development efforts. He collaborated with the Indian government and other local and international NGOs to carry out his mission of helping out the poor, especially women and children. It was in the West Bengal area that he started heeding his calling in 1970. The formation of the organization started when he partnered with Sister Pauline Prince, an Australian Loreto nun and Rev. Fr. J. Henrichs.

To date, the activities of the group have reached over five million people who are living in the areas of Jharkhand and West Bengal. The organization has also expanded their humanitarian assistance outside India and now operates in some areas in Asia and in Africa.