Jack Johnson has proven that he’s more than just one of the world’s most successful recording artists, having established the Kokua Hawai’i Foundation and the Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation. He has also created the All at Once Campaign, supported the Australian Marine Conservation Society, the Inspire Foundation’s ActNow project and 1% for the Planet. Jack Johnson has also helped raise funds for Amnesty International.

The Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation aims to raise money for the local causes in the Village Green area by matching whatever amount Jack Johnson's fans are able to contribute. This foundation has handed over 25 million dollars to charities. Kokua Hawai’i Foundation, which he founded with his wife, is a non-profit that helps the locals, especially children and the youth of Hawaii in maintaining sustainable and renewable environmental projects. Jack Johnson’s aim is primarily to educate children, instilling awareness regarding the environment in order for them to serve as examples and leaders later on.