Did you know that a child dies from a water-borne disease every 20 seconds? This is the plight that moved Just a Drop, an international water aid charity, to be launched in 1998. The charity was born out of the premise that if people can give just a little, and people can be encouraged to do so, then collective good will be achieved. In fact, Fiona Jeffrey, Just a Drop’s founder, was enlightened to learn that you can provide a child with clean water for up to a decade by just contributing £1. To date, Just a Drop has provided some of the poorest communities with clean and safe water in more than 29 countries all over the world.

Just a Drop is doing good work in bringing clean, safe water to as many people as possible but that’s not without the help of many individuals and organizations that believe in what the charity aims to achieve. Some of the more notable patrons of Just a Drop include Jack Corona, Tracy Edwards Mbe, Marie Helvin, Captain Jim Masters Mbe, Alfred Pisani, Martin Roberts, Stephen Sackur, Alastair Stewart, and Richard Tobias.

Just a Drop ensures that funders are directly linked to certain projects in the field so the difference they made with their support can be clearly seen. Apart from specifically matching expertise, a number of options are also offered to individuals and organizations on how they can get involved. These include sporting challenges, events, corporate giving, sponsorship opportunities, and specific programs for schools. School ambassadors for Just a Drop include former Olympic swimmer Chris Cook, Sportsaround and Learning Zone presenter Seema Pathan, and Paralympics athlete and medalist Bethany Woodward. World Water Day is held in March every year and schools are asked to participate by allowing people to come to school wearing water-themed or blue clothes.